Willie C. Campbell “Be Cool”

Willie J. Campbell "Be Cool"

    Artista / Grupo: Willie C. Campbell

    Álbum: “Be Cool”

    Discográfica: Blue Heart Records / Blind Raccoon

    Año publicación: 2023

    Fecha crítica: 09/2023

    Valoración: GREAT

    Sitio web: http://www.blindraccoon.com

Recorded a short time before his tragic death, this album becomes a tribute to the impressive bass player, singer and songwriter Willie J. Campbell who, during his years of career, was a prominent member of bands like The Fabulous Thunderbirds, James Harman Band, Mannish Boys or The Proven Ones. Those of us who had the opportunity to see him live, know about his magnificent performance as bass player, with an incredible punch and strength, which made the bands he played with, sound totally well teamed.

This is his last recording where he counted with a base band with Kid Ramos on guitar, Brian Templeton on vocals and harmonica, Brooks Milgate on keyboards, Jimmy Bott on drums and, of course, Willie on bass in all tracks. To this fabulous band, which already was guarantee of quality, there were added some impressive guests like, among others, Anson Funderburgh, Mike Morgan, Shawn Pittman and Joe Louis Walker on guitars, Sax Gordon on tenor sax, Janiva Magness, Sugaray Rayford, Kim Wilson and Jimmie Wood vocals or Jason Ricci, Kim Wilson and Jimmie Wood on harmonica, to complete a list of dazzling blues stars.

Fifteen songs, most of them Brian D. Templeton’s own compositions, together with the versions of “You Can’t Stop Her” coming from Huey Piano Smith and “Albatross” by Peter Green, give shape to an impressive album that, thanks to Blue Heart Records and the Campbell family, now sees the light. For sure it really deserves an outstanding place in any good blues lover collection, not only as a posthumous tribute to Willie C. Campbell but also for its impressive quality.