White Polo “A Million Miles”

    Artista / Grupo: White Polo

    Álbum: A Million Miles

    Discográfica: Rock +CD / Postal Music

    Año publicación: 2021

    Fecha crítica: 10/2021

    Valoración: VERY GOOD

Juan Saez and Santi Polo are two musicians coming from Zaragoza who started playing in pop and rock groups back during the nineties. To broaden their expectations they decided to settle in Madrid where they performed in different bands. Finally they have decided to present their own personal project they have named White Polo, to develop the music they love, which is a mixture of hard rock, blues and some Americana. Now time has come to publish their first self-produced recording, where they give free rein to what they feel inside their brains, which is a lot, and they do it along eleven songs of raw, rough, roadhouse, gritty songs, without commercial compromises and no restrictions that limit or restrain their creativity and originality. For people who usually listen to the wildest and dynamic music, this is an album that will undoubtedly and pleasantly surprise them. Juan Saez on guitars, harmonica, keyboards and bass, Marcelo Novatti and Santiago Polo on drums, Santi Comet on keyboards and Juan Ximenez on bass are the musicians responsible to give shape to this recording.