The Rockin’ Highliners “Sputnik Café”

Reviews La hora del Blues

    Artista / Grupo: The Rockin' Highliners

    Álbum: Sputnik Café

    Discográfica: Severn / Karonte

    Año publicación: 2003

    Fecha crítica: 3/2004

    Valoración: VERY GOOD

The Rockin’ Highlines are a band which tastefully combine the most traditional essences of blues with very modern actual close to pop arrangements They have very bright ideeas they confidently and properly give to practice which gives as a result well conceived and developped song without falling into long boring solos Their musical conception is based into the main song structure and composition instead of trying to show the virtuosism in their performing The band does an accurate work looking for a different personal sound which identifies them from other similar bands It is an interesting record quite different from what you will normally find in white blues bands repertoire In short words, an innovative band with own ideas