The LH Express “Painting Stars”

The LH Express "Painting Stars"

    Artista / Grupo: The LH Express “Painting Stars”

    Álbum: “Painting Stars”

    Discográfica: Self Production / Sarah French

    Año publicación: 2023

    Fecha crítica: 07/2023

    Valoración: VERY GOOD

    Sitio web:

With the release of this new recording Canadian band The Lucas Haneman Express have given a turn to their career. The group has changed its name to The LH Express. Megan Laurence leads with her voice and stage presence half of the album songs, while Lucas Haneman sings the rest of the songs, besides playing guitar and leading the band. Together with them you will find Martin Newman on bass and vocals and Valera Negovora on drums, percussion and vocals.

This new album presents ten own compositions and song lyrics come from Lucas Haneman. All tracks are developed in a style that is a mixture of pop, rock, blues, roots music and Americana, communicating a more than a pleasant feeling to all those who come to listen to a band which has some natural and really innovative musical qualities. Songs that become a breath of optimism at a time where the world needs to find something that helps to trust in the future, something that all band members are willing to share.

This is an album where each musician has something to say and give to the other musicians and audiences to, in this way, reach and give us a personal original sound that makes them different from the musical mediocrity that unfortunately is quite common in the times we are living.