The Dig 3 “Damn The Rent”

The Dig 3 "Damn The Rent"

    Artista / Grupo: The Dig 3

    Álbum: “Damn The Rent”

    Discográfica: Self Production / Proud Papa Promotions

    Año publicación: 2023

    Fecha crítica: 11/2023

    Valoración: GREAT

    Sitio web:

Pure and raw fifties Chicago blues like the one we could listen performed by legendary names like Big John Wrencher, Smokey Smothers or Hound Dog Taylor, is what you will find in The Dig 3 last recording, a band that mastery develops the most primal blues, displayed with a remarkable control and full knowledge.

Kevin Johnson has bet on them and, thanks to his huge experience, it is difficult he is wrong. This new recording confirms we are facing a band which comes back to the real blues flavor, leaving aside artificial effects or superfluous ornaments. The album was recorded live in studio, with no alternative takes and in only one day, so its sound is totally natural and honest.

Ten songs plus two bonus tracks, all of them own compositions, developed in the purest downhome style, give shape to an essential album for those fans who are looking for the most genuine blues. The group includes band leader Andrew Duncanson on vocals and guitar, Ronnie Shellist on harmonica and Gerry Hundt on bass, percussion, guitar, mandolin and organ. The two bonus tracks feature Andrew Duncanson on vocals and guitar, Gerry Hundt on guitar and organ, Aaron Whittier on bass, Rick King on drums and percussion and Lauren Dukes on backing vocals.

In short words, an album of those that are now difficult to find in the actual blues market, but that fortunately confirms that the real blues is in good health with groups like The Dig 3.