Shakura S’Aida “Hold On To Love”

Shakura S'Aida "Hold On Love"

    Artista / Grupo: Shakura S’Aida

    Álbum: “Hold On To Love”

    Discográfica: Self Production

    Año publicación: 2022

    Fecha crítica: 10/2023

    Valoración: GREAT

    Sitio web:

After two decades of a successful career, Shakura S’Aida stands as one of the most interesting voices of contemporary blues, rhythm & blues and soul scene. Her talent is out of doubt, she combines with an impressive stage presence, as she showed during the last Bilbao Blues Festival edition. All these qualities have made her get countless awards and recognitions.

From Canada where she is living now, Shakura sends us her last recording that gathers twelve songs, some of them own compositions, where she develops a varied and very actual repertoire. Her vocal performance is totally outstanding, with a remarkable power and strength but, at the same time, with a wide range of nuances, which make her be one of the most versatile singers you can find now.

Shakura is backed by a wide group of excellent musicians accurately selected for each song, which allows us to appreciate that every track has a special beat that makes it unique. If we add a careful production taking into account the smallest details to make S’Aida’s voice shine with an own  bright light, the result can’t be other than a highly recommended album for all those who want to enjoy a fantastic time.