Peter Veteska & Blues Train “Full Tilt”

Peter Veteska & Blues Train "Full Tilt"

    Artista / Grupo: Peter Veteska & Blues Train

    Álbum: “Full Tilt”

    Discográfica: Blue Heart Records / Blind Raccoon

    Año publicación: 2023

    Fecha crítica: 12/2023

    Valoración: GREAT

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Seventh album by singer and guitar player Peter Veteska in a period of eight years. Now Peter comes back to the blues market with a recording overflowing roadhouse rock-blues with West Coast blues influences. Peter and his band have done an exquisite job, which has all the basic ingredients to make listeners totally enjoy each one of the album songs, whether if they are Peter’s own compositions -eight out of a total of twelve-, or with four versions ranging from “One After 909” coming from the Beatles to “I Get Evil” by Albert King.

Recorded at the Shorefire Recording Studio in Long Branch, New Jersey under the supervision of Joseph DeMaio, the album doesn’t include special effects or overdubs and no guitar pedals have been used at all. Peter Veteska’s aim has been to present a studio album without sacrificing the vitality and spontaneity of his live shows to, in this way, make it different from his previous recordings. The result is an album full of energy and intensity that communicates the good vibes and chemistry that arouse between Peter and his musicians. Besides Peter Veteska on vocals and guitar, the rest of the participants are Jen Barnes on vocals in three songs, Mikey Jr. on vocals in one track and harmonica in three more ones, Alex D’Agnese on drums, bass players Coo Moe Jhee, Chuck Hearne and Rick Prince, Jeff Levine on Hammond B-3 and piano, Mike Scott on saxophone and Tony Perruso on trumpet.

As we are now in Christmas time, the album ends with the terrific blues “Merry Christmas Baby” they perform with an impressive feeling and enthusiasm.