Mitch Grainger “Plug It In Acoustic”

Mutch Grainger "Plug It. Acoustic"

    Artista / Grupo: Mitch Grainger

    Álbum: “Plug It In Acoustic”

    Discográfica: Self Production / Night Train PR

    Año publicación: 2023

    Fecha crítica: 01/2024

    Valoración: VERY GOOD

    Sitio web:

As I have just mentioned in the previous review, the same eleven songs that were included in the previous album are the ones you will find in this “Plug It In Acoustic” only performed by Mitch Grainger on vocals, guitar and harmonica.

Although the compositions are the same ones and Mitch is the same musician, the songs sound totally different, thanks to the news arrangements specially developed for the acoustic versions, which gives a new air and a new dimension to each track.

Listening to these two albums one after the other becomes a pleasant experience, because it allows you to discover the endless nuances a musician can give to the same song when, as in this case, the performer knows well the music and the style he plays and has enough technique to guarantee that the same song gets a new richness and a special display played in acoustic and electric format.

Both albums together make up a musical curiosity I recommend to listen to carefully to enjoy and savor each one of the two versions.