Mathis Haug “Distance”

Reviews La hora del Blues

    Artista / Grupo: Mathis Haug

    Álbum: Distance

    Discográfica: Dixiefrog / Karonte

    Año publicación: 2013

    Fecha crítica: 7/2013

    Valoración: VERY GOOD

Mathis Haug feels totally comfortable -like a fish in water- between folk and ballad sounds, spiced with with some touches of roots blues In his songs we mostly find different influences coming from Tom Waitts, Leonard Cohen and other details that could also remind Ry Cooder’s playing Mathis is a poet of our time, a powerfuul genuine story-teller with many things to give to the most actual underground folk language Mathis Haug’s music comes from some of his most peculiar tastes Acoustic and electridc guitars, piano, percussion, tambourina and JJ Milteau’s harmonica playing tastefully combine with other instruments, always on a very relaxed way, to delight us with a series of wide well drawn landscapes, designed with an expertise elegance and precision that arise from the deepest part of Mathis’ soul He is a brave musician and his actual success possibly is due to the passion and daring attitude he always gives to his performing All what I say can be felt along the twelve cd songs that perfectly show the kind of music he does