Lust ‘n’ Found “Dust For A Pound”

Lust ‘n’ Found are a duo formed by Italian musician Elias Babad on acoustic guitar, dobro and vocals and the Spanish one Quico Hernández Chiva on washboard, kazoo, percussion and vocals.

The duo cleverly and tastefully combine East Coast pre-war blues like Piedmont blues, gorgeously performed by guitar player Elias Babad, whose fingerpickin’ technique is remarkable, although they also include a wide range of Mississippi blues.

Both musicians are deeply influenced by the blues and gospel of Reverend Gary Davis or Blind Blake, as well as by the tradition of Georgia, Virginia or the Carolinas. On the other hand, they also drink from the sources of Mississippi Sheiks, Bo Carter or Washboard Sam, and even add to their repertoire New York folk-blues coming from one of Bob Dylan’s youth best friends Dave Van Ronk.

The duo displays with taste and extensive knowledge all those blues that were popular in early thirties, and they do it giving to them their own style and sound, besides a light-hearted atmosphere that provides a cool fresh air to the songs without losing the most genuine traditional roots and the natural elegance of the blues music they reverently perform.