Little Ray And The Blues Sonics “Hot Rod Blues”

Reviews La hora del Blues

    Artista / Grupo: Little Ray And The Blues Sonics

    Álbum: Hot Rod Blues

    Discográfica: Great Blues Recordings

    Año publicación: 1999

    Fecha crítica: 10/2005

    Valoración: GREAT

An splendid rockin’ blues album leaded by singer and guitar placer Little Ray Ibarra, who gives us a real genuine mastery exercise of devotion for deeply rooted Chicago blues music, that become the principal basis to develop his own music Thirteen songs with a variety of tempos and shuffles performed by a bunch of good musicians A special mention to the harmonica players included on the cd, Dan Moser, Roy Mannino and Joe Mendoza Little Ray gives a very effective playing and a more than a enough performing in every song Each one of the musicians who have participated on the recording give us what we would exactly have expected of them In short words, a bright well done cd that deserves a place in your record collection