Jimmy Carpenter “The Louisiana Record”

Jimmy Carpenter The Louisiana Record

    Artista / Grupo: Jimmy Carpenter

    Álbum: “The Louisiana Record”

    Discográfica: Gulf Coast Records / Mark Pucci Media

    Año publicación: 2022

    Fecha crítica: 10/2022

    Valoración: GREAT

    Sitio web: http://www.markpuccimedia.com

According to Jimmy Carpenter’s own words, when Mike Zito, co-owner of Gulf Coast Records, asked him about recording a new album, he was pleasantly satisfied. But, when Mike said he was thinking on an album completely devoted to Louisiana music, he was a little bit reluctant about. Luckily, only few days later, he was totally convinced and excited about the new project. Not in vain, all the years Jimmy lived in New Orleans deeply marked and changed his way of conceiving and developing music.

The album was recorded at Dockside Studios in the south of Lafayette, Louisiana, with engineer David Farrell. Jimmy Carpenter’s tenor sax and vocals were perfectly backed by Mike Zito on guitars, John Gros on piano and organ, Cassandra Faulconer on bass and Wayne Maureau on drums.

The recording gathers eleven songs, some of them coming from Louisiana music great names like Dave Bartholomew, Allen Toussaint, Sam Cooke or Lee Allen among others. New Orleans and Louisiana music are tastefully performed in every album song by Jimmy Carpenter, who also shines at a very high level as an intense singer and excellent sax player, cooking an appetizing magnificent dish with delicious ingredients of an amazing sound richness. GREAT.