Jimmy Barnatán & The Cocooners “Bourbon Church”

Reviews La hora del Blues

    Artista / Grupo: Jimmy Barnatán & The Cocooners

    Álbum: Bourbon Church

    Discográfica: Gaztelupeko Hotsak

    Año publicación: 2017

    Fecha crítica: 10/2017

    Valoración: VERY GOOD

If there is something singer and actor Jimmy Barnatán is sure about is every time he plays his music needs to reflect his unique personality as a free man as well as his rebel attitude in front of world and life circumstances This is the way he firmly believes in, so on stage he turns into pure energy and show, because for him there is no music without show and there is no show without music That is the reason Barnatán has got influences from Javier Gurruchaga and the music of La Orquesta Mondragon, as well as many other influences he has gathered over the years To display his music the relies on his Cocooners with Sergio González as composer and guitar player, Dani Simons on bass and Ruben Rodriguez on drums To round up the album he has also counted with a group of seven female voices he has named The Cocoonettes Undoubtedly this is an attractive album, where Barnatán and his mates work their hearts out to bring us an album where the four musicians feel comfortable playing some funk, bossa, gospel, ballads, country, rock and, of course, blues