Jimmy And The Sleepers “All That Money”

Jimmy & The Sleepers "All That Money"

    Artista / Grupo: Jimmy And The Sleepers

    Álbum: “All That Money”

    Discográfica: SB Records

    Año publicación: 2019

    Fecha crítica: 07/2023

    Valoración: GREAT

    Sitio web: http://www.jimmyandthesleepers.com

Here comes a fabulous Canadian jump blues band which display the most genuine West Coast blues with strength, conviction, a fine technique and good knowledge, although they come from Edmonton, Canada.

The group shows a good dose of professionalism and are always eager to please, managing to communicate and catch listeners with a powerful delivery, that will immediately catch the audience from the album first opening song “All That Money”.

Although Jimmy And The Sleepers is a local band with many fans in their country who for years follow and admire them, with this great traditional blues album which was released three years ago, they aim to catch the attention of many blues lovers at this side of the Atlantic. Musically speaking, the recoding presents a good dose of jump blues and roadhouse rockin’ blues.

Despite they are a classic blues group, they also have an outstanding originality and a personal sound that make them different from other similar bands, as they write their songs, especially singer Alex Varughese who writes the lyrics and guitar player Jimmy Guiboche who is in charge of the music.

Also mention that all band members are outstanding and reliable instrumentalists. The group includes Jimmy Guiboche on guitar and vocals, Alex Varughese on lead vocals, Dan Shinnan on harmonica and vocals, Chris Brzezicki on bass and vocals and Bill Hobson on drums.

My advice is you look for Jimmy And The Sleepers, as I can promise that, when you listen to them, fun, joy, good performing and happiness are always guaranteed.