Jimmie Bratcher “Far Enough”

Jimmie Bratcher "Far Enough"

    Artista / Grupo: Jimmie Bratcher

    Álbum: “Far Enough”

    Discográfica: Ain’t Skeert Tunes / Blind Raccoon

    Año publicación: 2023

    Fecha crítica: 07/2023

    Valoración: VERY GOOD

    Sitio web: http://www.blindraccoon.com

Kansas City singer and guitar player Jimmie Bratcher, well known as The Electric Rev, is a creative composer who spends his days, months and all his time touring and performing in churches, clubs and prisons, giving the word of God to the most diverse audiences who come to listen to his literary and musical gospel, infused of love, hope and redemption. His message is addressed to sinners but also to all those people who really enjoy his words and music. His communicative skills make him become an outstanding story teller, as well as a remarkable musician.

Johnny discovered guitar during the 60’s listening to Eric Clapton, Albert King and B.B. King. He started playing in various bands, but drugs and alcohol had a bad impact on him ruining his life and marriage. Finally, his wife gave him a second chance so, when they went to church to remarry, the reverend said he would not marry them if Jimmie did not promise to put his faith on Jesus, something that totally changed his life.

So far Bratcher has released twelve albums and two live recorded DVD’s. Now he presents a carefully and tasteful new recording where he invites us to an appealing journey around soul, gospel and blues. Surrounded by a magnificent orchestration, his voice and guitar sound majestic, overflowing with energy and passion. Eleven songs developed by a wide group of excellent instrumentalists and a bright horn section contribute to round up a high-level album.