J. Merino & Revolbert Roll Band “J. Merino & Revolbert Roll Band”

J. Merino & Revolbert Roll Band "J. Merino & Revolbert Roll Band"

    Artista / Grupo: J. Merino & Revolbert Roll Band

    Álbum: “J. Merino & Revolbert Roll Band” (EP)

    Discográfica: Self Production

    Año publicación: 2023

    Fecha crítica: 05/2024

    Valoración: VERY GOOD

    Sitio web: https://www.facebook.com/martinjmerinoguitar

Although they are experienced musicians with a long career on their backs, it has not been until a short time ago than guitar player and singer Martín J Merino and guitar player Robert Revolbert decided to join forces to develop a new project. As it could not be otherwise, the band pays tribute to the most genuine Chicago blues, they deeply love and control.

To introduce the band, they have released an EP with five songs. “Run Away” and “Kim’s Blues” are Merino’s own compositions and the other three are versions of “Rock Me Baby” coming from B.B. King, “Every Day I Have The Blues” by Memphis Slim and “She Wants To Sell My Monkey” by Tampa Red.

It is always welcomed than a national band decides to follow Chicago blues tradition, with no concessions to trendiness or undermining it, and they are able to reproduce the real vintage southside sound, something that Martín and Robert are accomplished masters.

Also mention the amazing rhythm section with José Pilar on bass and Roberto Olori on drums.

In short words, a recording and a band which confirm that old blues never loses it genuine essence when it is performed with passion from the depths of the soul.