Guy Bélanger “Voyages & Autres Histoires & Other Stories”

Guy Bélanger "Voyages & Autres Histories & Other Stories"

    Artista / Grupo: Guy Bélanger

    Álbum: “Voyages & Autres Histoires & Other Stories”

    Discográfica: Self Production / Sarah French Publicity

    Año publicación: 2023

    Fecha crítica: 08/2023

    Valoración: VERY GOOD

    Sitio web:

Coming from Quebec, Canada, harmonica player and composer Guy Bélanger releases his seventh album where he presents a musical journey to the styles that he likes and inspire him most, with the harmonica as the thread of this suggestive journey that goes through the blues roads with some touches of funk and folk.

For those who are not familiar with him only say Guy Bélanger is a harmonica player gifted with an impressive technique. Along his almost fifty-year of career, Guy has won countless awards such as the renowned Maple Blues Awards, as best harmonica player and best instrumental album of the year. He has also toured with artists like Bob Walsh, Doug McLeod or Céline Dion among others.

This last album includes eleven songs, some of them own compositions and the rest attractive carefully chosen versions coming from Bonnie Raitt or Nina Simone among others.

The harmonica takes the main role in the album, as most of the songs are instrumental. This allows listeners to appreciate his versatility, knowledge and mastery, that make Guy one of the most admired harmonica players in Canada.

Guy is backed by a group of very professional musicians like Rob McDonald and Claude Fradette on guitars, Mar-André Drouin on bass, Alec McElcheran on bass and vocals, Bruce Cameron on keyboards, Michel Dufour on drums and Silvie Desgroseilliers on vocals on “Do I Move You”, Alec McElcheran on vocals in the song “How So You Do It” and finally Nanette Workman on vocals in “Au Bout Du Chemin”.