Fruteland Jackson “Blues 20”

Reviews La hora del Blues

    Artista / Grupo: Fruteland Jackson

    Álbum: Blues 20

    Discográfica: Electro-Fi

    Año publicación: 2003

    Fecha crítica: 6/2004

    Valoración: GREAT

People say this cd has been for a long time waited among Fruteland’s supporters This is probably true and it has finally been published for the pleasure of his fans This man, winner of a WC Handy award and master of the most genuine music and expert on the afroamerican culture, is gradually appearing on the actual music world with a terrific strength, thanks to the natural gift God has given him His personal cultivated musical style completely different from other artists, gives a special singularity to the way he materializes his personal feelings His blues are full of beautiful nuances and rich experiences he gives to listeners with a personal charm and sensitivity very few musicians nowadays have, as we are getting gradually accostumed to record market mediocrity A splendind cd which, in my opinion, is the best one he has ever recorded