Freddy Miller “Just Be Yourself”

Freddy Miller "Just Be Yourself"

    Artista / Grupo: Freddy Miller

    Álbum: “Just Be Yourself”

    Discográfica: Kebra Records

    Año publicación: 2023

    Fecha crítica: 02/2024

    Valoración: GREAT

    Sitio web:

A new album coming from another remarkable French singer called Freddy Miller. For more than ten years Freddy has been vocalist in the group Shake Your Hips! With them he represented France at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis and at the European Blues Challenge in Riga (Latvia) where Spanish band A Contra Blues were the winners.

His participation in those competitions has been a definitive reinforcement to make Freddy Miller one of the singers with most projection in French blues scene. From that moment on, his reputation has non-stopped to grow among European blues fans, especially after the release of the album “My Blues” at the end of 2017 and this new recording Kebra’s Records has just sent us.

Twelve songs give shape to the album, most of them written by Freddy Miller himself and drummer Chris Bertin. In all tracks Miller’s powerful, energetic and electrifying voice is supported by Virgil Viard on guitars, Pascal Baron on bass, Chris Bertin on drums, Phil Perronnet on sax and Patrice Cuvelier on keyboards. It should also be mentioned that several times and when the budget allows it, Freddy likes to include ten musicians on stage where, besides his band, you will also find a complete horn section and a group of backup singers, which really enhance the show.

Let me say once again, the album becomes a good opportunity to discover the quality of a singer and a group of musicians who do a bright approach to a vibrant and carefully selected repertoire. GREAT.