Dom Martin “Buried In The Hail”

Dom Martin "Buried In The Hail"

    Artista / Grupo: Dom Martin

    Álbum: “Buried In The Hail”

    Discográfica: Forty Below Records / MAC Radio Promo

    Año publicación: 2023

    Fecha crítica: 10/2023

    Valoración: VERY GOOD

    Sitio web:

Dom Martin is a singer and guitar player coming from Belfast. Since 2019 he has strongly burst out in UK blues scene. Besides skillfully playing acoustic and electric guitar, Dom also has a remarkable voice, perfect to sing the blues that has been sometimes compared with Rory Gallagher, Van Morrison or Foy Vance.

This last album has been recorded in a semi-acoustic format, although Dom also leads power-blues electric trio. The album will drive listeners to a personal journey where Dom Martin presents some of his most intimistic deep feelings and reflections through songs framed in the folk, blues and country tradition, styles Dom develops with cleverness and good taste.

Dom Martin is on guitar and vocals, while Ben Graham plays bass and double bass and Jonny McIlroy is on drums. Eleven songs, two of them instrumental, that become a good example of Dom’s possibilities, an artist who is gradually getting a place and a good position in roots music made in Europe. VERY GOOD.