Charlie Morris Band “A House Divided”

    Artista / Grupo: Charlie Morris Band

    Álbum: “A House Divided”

    Discográfica: Blues Coast

    Año publicación: 2021

    Fecha crítica: 02/2022

    Valoración: VERY GOOD

    Sitio web:

Singer and guitar player Charlie Morris can’t remain silent about the actual political, sanitary and social situation people are living, not only in his country but around the world, he reports in his songs lyrics. Anyway, in this new album, not all the tracks have committed lyrics but there is also room for joy and happiness. The recording gathers twelve songs covering blues, folk, rock and other more personal and intimate styles.

Variety and good taste are common rules in the music of this interesting artist where thanks to the different messages he brings along the fifty-two minutes of music, listeners can experience a variety of feelings like sorrow, anger, negativity, rage but, at the same time, something totally different like hope or joy.

Charlie Morris is on guitar and vocals together with Kevin Wilder on keyboards, Andrew Lack on bass, Eric Elsner on drums and a number of guests including vocalists Amanda Frick and Mikay, harmonica player TC Carr, or keyboard player Ross Rice. All of them help to define the diverse chromatic sound the whole album communicates to every listener.