Jan 2022 Ben Levin “Still Here”
Artista / Grupo: Ben Levin
Álbum: Still Here
Discográfica: VizzTone
Año publicación: 2021
Fecha crítica: 01/2022
Valoración: GREAT
Sitio web: http://www.vizztone.com
Ben Levin is a twenty-one-years old blues promise who plays piano and sings, keeping alive the sound and spirit of the historical Cincinnati record company King Records, where such amazing musicians like Wynonie Harris, Freddie King, Sonny Thompson, Little Willie John, Hank Ballard, Eddie ‘Cleanhead’ Vinson and especially Big Joe Duskin used to record. Ben has gathered deep influences of all these artists, although he has also found inspiration in other piano players such as Professor Longhair, Fats Domino, Otis Spann or Pinetop Perkins.
With this impressive musical background Ben Levin has already got an exquisite style, both at the piano and voice which allows him to sing with an elegant fine vocal texture, creating on listeners a captivating attraction difficult to forget.
Twelve songs, eight of them own compositions written in collaboration with his father, Aron Levin, who also plays guitar, together with Chris Douglas on bass and Oscar Bernal on drums. The four musicians give shape and color to an attractive, juicy, vital and highly recommended recording, which will totally satisfy those who love classical blues piano players, where Ben Levin stands as a remarkable brilliant representative, but also deep followers of this musical genre we love so much.