Acoustic Blues-Duo “5 Th Street”

Reviews La hora del Blues

    Artista / Grupo: Acoustic Blues-Duo

    Álbum: 5 Th Street

    Discográfica: Coq Au Vin

    Año publicación: 0

    Fecha crítica: 7/2001

    Valoración: GREAT

From Germany comes this small treasure with pure rural blues Although it has been published at the beginning of the XXIst century and it is performed by musicians coming from a place so far away of the original beautiful deep south of the USA, really a long way from the Carolines, Mississippi, Virginia or Georgia, the ballads, rags, spìrituals or hokum-bokum tunes seem to have a new dimension with the good performing of this German duo who give us a good selection of down home blues, in this case coming from the real Berlin down-home