La Hora del Blues se ha emitido semanalmente desde 1981 en Radio PICA, emisora no comercial de Barcelona. El programa esta presentado y dirigido por Vicente Zúmel. Se sintoniza a través de Internet y otras tecnologías como teléfonos móviles o smartphones.
El objetivo básico es explorar, dar a conocer y popularizar el blues en todos sus ámbitos y vertientes, desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad. Para ello cuenta con un archivo de mas de 125.000 temas de blues de todos los tiempos, desde los primeros registros en los años 20 hasta los últimos cds aparecidos en el mercado nacional e internacional.
El programa esta realizado de forma amena y desenfadada, en un tono amable pero sin dejar de lado el conocimiento y la especialización sin caer en la erudición, ofreciendo la posibilidad de escuchar el mismo blues que se puede estar radiando en estos momentos en cualquier emisora de Estados Unidos.
La Hora del Blues esta adscrita desde mediados de los años ochenta a la Living Blues Radio Chart en Rochester (Nueva York), desde donde se confecciona cada mes el Top 25 Blues Album de la revista Living Blues o, en otras palabras, la lista de los 25 discos de blues mas radiados en los programas especializados en el tema.
La Hora del Blues es también miembro asociado a la Blues Foundation de Memphis, que anualmente concede los Blues Awards, premios equivalentes a los Oscars cinematográficos en el mundo del blues. Asimismo pertenece a la Junta directiva de la European Blues Union, asociación europea sin ánimo de lucro cuyo objetivo principal es promocionar el blues a nivel europeo.
Aquí se recogen algunos emails de reconocimiento al trabajo de “La Hora del Blues” recibidos a lo largo de los años. Por razones de espacio, hemos tenido que realizar una selección de los mismos. Gracias a todos los que durante estos años me han brindado su amistad y han contribuido con su ayuda a engrandecer el programa!!!.
En 2013 Vicente Zúmel ha sido galardonado con el premio “Keeping The Blues Alive” de la Blues Foundation de Memphis en la categoría Internacional por su labor de promover el blues durante toda una vida.
Vincente! Thank you for this great opportunity and that you continue to be a stalwart of the blues!! You were so kind to us and maybe a booking agent will take note of you playing the CD and the great review, and bring us to Spain!
I admire very much the work you do and continue to do, you are a true blues survivor! Thank you again, and I will pass this along with pride!
David T Weld, Delmark Recording Artist (3 August 2022)
Now, I’ve had an opportunity to read your great review. Thank you so much. I just wanted to let you know that while Kid Andersen mixed and mastered Broke Down in the Fast Lane, and played electric wurlitzer, it was Grub Mitchell’s Dog Yard Studio in Sacramento, CA, where we recorded all of it. Grub also played some piano highlight on one song and sang a harmony vocal. Kyle Rowland is the young harmonica player. Well, he’s 27 nowadays, but has been playing since childhood.
Thank you so much, and I will definitely be posting your review on our page and on our website, I will be listening to your station, as well.
I know that you are highly esteemed in the blues world by many. We are part of that crowd.
All the best to you and your family!
Beth Red’s Blues Sacramento, CA (2 January 2021)
Thank you Vincente for playing our music and for the great review!
We appreciate what you do for the artists!
All the very best in the new year!
Danny & Debi Brooks (2 January 2021)
Vicente, muchas gracias por tus bonitas palabras hacia mí en la crítica de mi CD, te lo agradezco de veras y más viniéndo de ti.
Espero que estéis estupendamente los dos y que nos podamos ver pronto. Un abrazo grande.
Mingo Balaguer (1 Diciembre 2020)
Hello! Thank you for letting us know our CD arrived.
and I wish WE were arriving in Spain as well, lol. Ah well, perhaps we can make that happen when coronavirus isn’t such a shadow over our lives.
Be well, be safe, and thank you for your long service to the Blues.We’ve been sending you music as long as we have been recording it and have always appreciated your kindness.
Laurie & Rusty Wright (26 October 2020)
Thank you so much for the support and fabulous review of my album.
It really means a great deal to me! Thanks
ED Brayshaw (4 August 2020)
Vincente, I didn’t see your message until now.
Thank you so much for your focus on our album and for the wonderful review.
We have now hit #10 on the Billboard Blues Chart and were just nominated for Blues Blast Music Award for Debut Album New Artist.
It’s people like you that keep our music in the ears of the people and I am very grateful. Hope you are safe and well in Espana!
Jeni Grouws (14.07.2020)
You are too kind. Across the pond.
I can’t tell you enough about thanks from America to you for being such a great supporter!
Cathy Ponton King (18.02.2020)
Hi Vicente,
Thank you so much for including me in your forthcoming show and for your very lovely review. Of course, I was delighted to be noted as ‘excellent’ and pleased also that you picked up so well on the spirit of the album
Laurie McVay (04.01.2020)
Dear Vicente, Thank you so much for your review of “Twice As Nice”. We are so glad that you appreciated our new music.
Thanks also for the great job that you do in supporting blues music and the blues scene.
I hope that we will meet one day! Meanwhile, very best to you!
Brad Vickers and The Vestapolitans (04.12.2019)
John Primer appreciates all your support for his newest CD THE SOUL OF A BLUES MAN!
We appreciate your GREAT review and thank you so much for your support and air play of his new CD.
THANK YOU for keeping the blues ALIVE!
Lisa Becker (1 May 2019)
Dear Vicente,
Thank you very much for this great review and for any airplays :-)!
Such feedback is essential for us musicians and always a big motivation.
Best regards from Vienna,
Peter. The Blues Infusion (1 May 2019)
Oh my goodness! Hello Spain!
Vicente, I am so pleased to receive your beautiful review, and I am so grateful for your attention and promotion of my music!
All the best from Nashville,
Cara Being (1 May 2019)
Hi Vincente,
Thank you very much for the very nice review and also for all the hard work you do for the blues.
I will be sending a new album soon.
Warm regards,
Warren Ross (Simon Kinny-Lewis Management) (1 April 2019)
Dear Vicente
Thank you so much for including my CD. You are a true Blues Ambassador. We need more like you!
Big hugs!
Teeny Tucker (31 Narch 2019)
Gracias Vicente!!!
Thanks so much for your wonderful words and for the great work that you are doing. Thanks so much for the airplay also!!!! Oh…..all the best for 2019 😉
Warm regards,
Raphael Wressnig (10 January 2019)
Hi Vincente,
I hope all is well. Im not sure if I responded to your email. I really appreciate the continuous support you show to me and so many other artists. Youh are a jewel!
Big hugs and all the best to you!
Teeny Tucker (17 November 2018)
Hi Vicente, Thank you so much for the most excellent review of my cd. …outstanding!
As I’m sure you already know, I am a longtime fan of La Hora del Blues. ..but now I really love you guys! I am already receiving many positive responses about your review. ..great job!
Billy Jones (7 November 2018)
An enormous thanks to Vicente Zumel and Roser Blues at La Hora del Blues for featuring our new album on their playlist this month.
These guys are untiring in their devotion to the blues.
Looking forward to reading the review in October
Mr. Shingles (6 September 2018)
Thank you Vicente!! I will most definitely check out your cue of CDs received and contact “The Blues Stalker”.
I appreciate your honesty and dedication to the blues!! Keep up the good work!!
Barbara Blue (16 August 2018)
Good evening Vincent. Spencer here,
I just wanted to send you an email to say that I am extremely grateful for the amazing review of Cold November as well as the air time on your show and sharing my music with the world!
Thank you so very much for your time and all of the support that you have given me right from day one. I am very proud to be a part of this incredible blues community.
Thank you again so very much and I’m wishing you a great day.
Spencer Mackenzie (15 August 2018)
Many thanks, Vicente!! Much appreciated, and glad you enjoyed
Seth Langer
Smithsonian Folkways (July, 5th, 2018)
Thank you for contacting me and for the great review. I love Witherspoon and “Cleanhead” Vinson so I blushed like a schoolgirl at the mention of them and Kansas City Blues and the 50’s Jazz vibe. Much appreciated! I will be sharing the links on social media and so forth. Thank you once again!
Best Regards,
J.J. Vicars (July, 4th. 2018)
Dear Vicente Zumel,
Thank you very much for the wonderful review and the subsequent airplay for our cd, “Highway 51.” You should be commended on all the hard work you do in supporting blues music. I hope you have a great weekend!
Johnny Altenburgh (July, 4th. 2018)
Muchas gracias Vincente!
Thanks for reviewing and playing my CD on air.
It is a pleasure and an honor to have attention and approval by an expert in the field like you.
Gennaro Carrillo (Italy) (July, 4th 2018)
Hello Vicente!
Wow, I saw this review from Frank Roszak today and I was trying to find you and now just sent friend request on FB.
Thank you for the lovely review and for airplay of course!
I will repost and comment and spread the good news and great music we both love!
Do let me know if you need anything from me, anytime!
Nikki Armstrong
Mama SpanX .. the Band! (1st March 2018)
First and foremost, thank you for your dedication to the Blues! Amazing that you do what you do! And, you do it well. Perhaps one day I will get over there and we can jam together! That would be so cool!
Second, thank you for keeping the Blues alive. I realize that this a labor of love and that nobody is throwing money at you for doing what you do. But, I appreciate all that you do and then some. Best regards,
Angelo J Rossi (2 February 2018)
Moltes mercès per la crítica del Cd.
És un honor estar a la vora de discs de gent, que ha mamat el Blues in situ, i doble honor de que tu facis la crítica.
J.M. Baule (02.01.2018)
Hoy comparto con ustedes, la satisfacción que siento por esta calificación del respetado Vicente Zumel en su web de La Hora del Blues, apartado Novedades CDs.
Nada menos que 3 estrellas y media, o sea Mucho Mejor!! sabiendo que no es un disco de blues pureta, mas bien, una locureta, partiendo del blues a otras cotas.
Gracias!!! con mayúsculas.
Jorge “Flaco” Barral. (22 agosto 2017)
Thank you for your expert and exciting reviews of Chris Belleau and Bobby Harden.
You are a “Bluesologist” of the highest caliber,
Bruce Flett
Harlem NYC, NY 10027 (31 July 2017)
Dear Vincente we are so happy and so proud to be in your thougts! We follow your job and we like it so much, people like you is so important for the present and the future of the blues and for musicians satisfaction. We hope you like our new blues job, we realized it in a little time with a lot of feeling and passion. We are working on a new project now and we are trying to make our blues known all over the world. If you want to suggest a way to do listen our music in foreign country we will do all things are possible to start to play live around the world. We are waiting for your suggests and your opinion about “Another blues to shout” and we will give you all news about our music. Thanks a lot, see you soon… maybe we could play in Spain sometimes if it’s possible. Best regards,
T-Roosters (1 May 2017)
WOW Vicente! Thanks to you all for such a kind and insightful review! I am greatly encouraged from reading it! God Bless You All!
Jeff Chaz (27 March 2017)
Hi Vincente,
Thanks for the info – and also for your outstanding contribution to the blues!
Warren Ross SKL Int. Management (22.03.2017)
Wow….thanks so much Vicente.
Great, great review. I’m glad you like the album. I love the way the music is described. Thanks so much for the support!!!
Warm regards from over here,
Raphael Wressnig (3,03.2017)
Vicente, Thank you for writing, and thanks so much for playing songs from the CD. And thank you, thank you, thank you for the wonderful review! It is greatly appreciated and I will use some of the quotes in promos!
Best regards and blues on!
Mary Jo Curry (08.02.2017)
Thank you so much my dear Vincente!!
The Annika and Doug reviews as well as all he their fabulous reviews you have done Mean the Doyle to me and help our artists so much!!!! Hugs from your MN gal pal Miki
Miki Mulvehill
UTR music group * Heart & Soul artist management (2.02.2017)
Dear Vicente,
Thank you so much for this mail, for airplay for my music and for this favorable review.
You have made my day!
It has long been my wish to tour in Spain and to visit beautiful Barcelona. I understand the fresh seafood is the best.
Con Mucho Gusto,
Liz Mandeville (2.02.2017)
Vicente, Gracias por hacer girar mi musica. Gracias por su maravilloso critica. Muy apreciado!
Mucho amor,
Hurricane Ruth 29.06.2016)
Hello Vicente, quick note to say thank you very much for your kind & supportive review for my Blues Thunder album!
Your excellent & professional review in La Hora Del Blues is a super promotion opportunity for my record! Your note worthy quotes are part of my publicity campaign!
Wishing you all the best and continued success! Best regards,
Brad Wilson (5 April 2016)
Muchas gracias! for the wonderful review of Fiona’s Box & Dice! It is so nice to read a review that describes so well all of the musical elements Fiona brings to her recordings and live shows. And how sincerely she offers her music.
Thanks, again!
Reference Recordings (1.03.2016)
Hello Vicente,
Thank you very much for including our music to your upcoming radio show. I enjoy your shows very much. I believe your work is important for the blues community wolrdwide, and indeed helps to keep the Blues alive!
Orestes (26 January 2016)
Wow. Amazing stuff. You must work day and night. Lol
Karla Darocas,
Keep it Real (4 August 2014)
Hello Vicente,
I was looking at the Living Blues data Jim McGrath sent us and I noticed that you have been giving Daddy Mack a lot of airplay. Thank you so much for your support! A Bluesman Looks At Seventy has debuted at #22 on the Living Blues radio charts. That is in large part thanks to you. I am glad to see that you’ve enjoyed the CD!
Jeffrey Foster
Executive Assistant
Inside Sounds (July, 6th. 2015)
Senor Zumel,
I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for your taking the time to review my cd, and for the air time on La Hora del Blues,
It means a lot. Thanks again.
Colin Dwyer (3 June 2015)
Wow. Vicente and your lovely wife are amazing folks. I hope to meet you both one day soon. Respect and good wishes.
Karla Darocas,
Keep it Real (1 June 2015)
Gracias, Vicente Zumel Nos sentimos honrados de compartir la crítica que nos hace Vicente Zumel (2013 Keeping The Blues Alive Award International Recipient by The Blues Foundation) Que un hombre con su experiencia y tan respetado disfrute de nuestro The Bait Of Blues y nos dedique estos elogios es un privilegio y una alegría para nosotros. Aquí podéis leerla, entre otras Podréis escuchar nuestro disco a lo largo del mes en su programa La Hora del Blues GRACIAS VICENTE! Podeis escuchar nuestro disco a lo largo del mes en su programa La Hora del Blues GRACIAS VICENTE!
The Big Lis Gumbo Band (2.05.2015)
El inagotable Vicente Zumel ha sacado un ratillo para hacernos una crítica de nuestra Pequeñas Victorias, y nosotros le estamos muy agradecidos.
Y la paseará por las ondas en La Hora del Blues (
Los Penultimos. (2.05.2015)
Moltes gràcies Roser i Vicente per la Info.
La feina que esteu fent , realment no te preu ! …..
La meva mes sincera admiració
Jordi Monguillot (1.04.2015)
You are such a sweet person Vincente! I totally understand! I’m doing a big of USA tour support for Peter Novelli. I’ve done tour support for Peter for a couple of years – Frank Roszak is working radio and I bet he’s already been in touch with you about Peter’s new record, St Amants Sessions… 😉
Thanks for always being a jewel!
All for one-one for all,
Tammy (March, 30th. 2015)
Dear Vicente,
Wow!!! Thank you so very much for your wonderful review! I always read all of your reviews and emails and I am so flattered and honored that you enjoyed my music!
I am already working on a new record and will be sure to send it to you.
Thank you again so much for sharing my music with all of your listeners. You’re the best!!!
Rock On / God Bless
Ron Tansky (January, 5th 2015)
A Happy New year to you Vincente!
And eternal thanks for all the hard work , helping musicians be heard and all the music you play!
Kindest regards
Billy Jenkins (January, 5th. 2015)
I send you a Dove of Love
Hi Vincente!
I’m glad you received my CD and I am so thankful that you will listen to it.
When you reviewed my first one I was so very proud. I can’t wait to read what you think of this one.
My first CD wound up doing really well and some of the songs are now theme music for different Blues shows here in America. Chef Jimi Patricola took one of the songs from the new record and is using it as his program theme music too!
Thank you for all you do for our music and our artists both big and small.
Thank you again for all of your support and keep sending me your emails. I get behind but I do read them all!
All the Best!!
Rock On / God Bless
Ron Tanksy (July, 10th. 2014)
Vincent!!! Thank you soooo much for including us in your reviews , my friend!!!
It’s wonderful that you have been running La Hora Del Blues for so long. I think I have known you for 14 or 15 years. Thanks for your work and dedication!! All the best,
Al Hemberger and The Renovators (July 1st 2014)
How could I ever forget you guys Roser Blues?
You were such powerful forces in encouraging me to sing.
You always supported me at the jams, and I’ll never forget the night Vincent was asked to sing Stormy Monday to open a gig – and he started it, then called me up to the stage to sing it! Once of the biggest boosts to my self esteem and self confidence as a singer I’ve ever received!
(Allison Boston, June 12th. 2014)
Vicente, I want to THANK YOU for such a very nice CD review for Tango Blues. I am glad you enjoyed the record and yes it is a departure for me, a real challenge, but VERY enjoyable playing all the instruments. Thank you for keeping the blues alive in this old world! Your friend.
Gipsy (March, 4th. 2014)
Greetings Vicente,
I’m just delighted with your review of my new blues CD “Whose Blues Is It Anyway?” You do such great and revered work in the global blues community and we all appreciate this!!
Please continue to keep the blues alive.
Be Well!!
Roger Zuraw (November, 25th. 2013)
Fantástica Web. Para mi como una enciclopedia de la actualidad y una guía
Agradecido por tu trabajo, te envío un saludo cordial
Xavi Malacara (7 Noviembre 2013)
H e l l o o o o Vincent!
What a nice surprise to see your message this morning and even more wonderfully surprising to see a review on my c.d., that I absolutely loved! Wow, I’ve been smiling all day and sent it off to my band members who performed on the album. Thanks to you or whomever the writer is for such kind and words. To say the least, I’m completely humbled by this review. And I got a 2-fer. How about that? I hope I can live up to the chosen words. Thank you! Thank you!
Joyce Walton. (November 4th. 2013)
Vincente! Que magnifico! Thank you for such a glowing review. It truly means a lot coming from you and we appreciate you taking the time to listen. Thank you for playing the album as well, we are honored to be part of your show! Hope you have a wonderful week! Gracias!!!
Gracie Curran (September 30th. 2014)
Hello Vicente, you’re a good man for the Blues, I spoke with Billy Branch the other day and he told me to say hello to you and your wife and to keep playing the harmonica, once a harmonica man always a harmonica man! Billy also said that when his new CD comes out in 2014 to e mail Blind Pig records and tell them who you are, that you have a radio program etc… and that you know Billy personally and you should have no problem. I can also let you know when the CD comes out as a reminder I can do that. We will try the Rioja next, there are a lot of very nice Spanish wines that they sell here, talk with you soon my friend.
Leroy Alvarez (September, 19th. 2013)
David Rivallo (6 Septiembre 2013)
Hi Vincente
I was presuming you live in a huge warehouse with thousands of Cd’s – all carefully stored A -Z….
Hopefully, go to J and you will find perhaps several Billy CD’s I have sent you over the years….?
Whatever – with the economic situation, Spain certainly needs the power of the blues more than ever.
And you’re the man to administer them!
Billy Jenkins (September, 5th. 2013)
Hey Vicente,
I never got around to thanking you for these great reviews! So…. Thank You!! We certainly appreciate your continued support very much.
How is everything with you? I hope all is well. Have a great rest of the week.
Steven Dixon. Delta Groove Music (August, 22nd. 2013)
Hi Vicente,
Thank you for the very positive review.
You truly help the blues community and I dont know how you find the time.
Best regards,
Jay Willie (July, 12 2013)
Thanks for the great review, Vincent! You’ve always been a good friend to The Hitman Blues Band, and I look forward to meeting you in person some day soon!
Russell “Hitman” Alexander. The Hitman Blues Band (June, 30th. 2013)
Thank you very much for forwarding your nice reviews. I’m sure that’s a considerable help to promote these recordings, which, of course, are quite different from a lot of the blues which is publicized today.
Keep boogiein’, fond regards,
Axel Zwingenberger (May 30th. 2013)
Vicente! Thank you so much! I hope that you’ll enjoy the album and the sweet sounds of us along with the world famous Roomful of Blues Horns and Bruce Bears of the Duke Robillard Band who are featured!
We are very proud of it and are so grateful for your support and are thrilled to be part of your show! We are looking forward to it!
Thank you for all that you do and for your time and care, Take care,
Gracie Curran (April, 24th. 2013)
Muchas gracias por la labor que realizáis
Osi Martínes (12.04.2013)
Muchas gracias!
No hay premios suficientes para agradecer vuestro trabajo. Sois tremendos!
Rverendo Igor de Los Reverendos (!0.02.2013)
Thanks, Vicente.
You’ve certainly been a great contributor to the blues in Spain. I’m proud to have you consider me to be one of your best blues friends, and I feel the same toward you.
Bruce Iglauer (Alligator Records) (February 10th. after receiving the KBA Awa<rd)
Hi Vicente
I just wanted to send my personal congratulations for your Keeping The Blues Alive award. It’s very much deserved, and I’m very happy for you.
Your lovely wife did a great job with the acceptance speech. She was completely charming. I was able to speak with her and congratulate her, but I wanted to send the same words to you.
Thank you for everything you’ve done for the blues!
Bruce Iglauer (Alligator Records) (February 7th, after receiving the KBA Award)
Thanks – it was great meeting your wife at the KBA Awards in Memphis last Friday! Congrats on your KBA!
Jd Optekar (February the 6th after receiving the KBA Award)
Met your wife – great lady. Congrats on the KBA!
Dan Treanor (February the 5th after receiving the KBA Award)
Of course ¿ quién sino ellos lo merecen? nadie hace tanto por la difusión y la dignificación del Blues como esta maravillosa pareja. Felicitaciones amics
Ñaco Goñi (3 Febrero después de recibir el KBA Award)
Que grandes los dos!
Reverendo Igor (3 Febrero después de recibir el KBA Award))
Justicia….es la palabra.
Javier Martin Aguilar (3 Febrero después de recibir el KBA Award)
Muchas gracias Vicente. Roser ya te contará el concierto, iba diciendo, sóc com la vostre mare, avui soc com la vostre mare! Genial! El apoyo recibido estos dias por facebook sobretodo y mensajes a sido muy importante para nosotros, nos sentimos queridos y apoyados.
Felicidades tambié a Roser i a ti por el bien merecido reconocimiento a una trayectoria en pro de la difusión y conocimiento del blues. Roser estaba emocionadíssima, claro.
Un abrazo desde Memphis!
Pere Puertas (3 Febrero 2013 después de recibir el KNAS)
Got your newsletter, Vincente!
Thanks for the great review! It’s awesome!! 😀 God bless you, my friend….
Rob Rio (January, the 8th. 2013)
Hola Roser:
Queríamos mandarles unas felicitaciones GIGANTES por el premio internacional otorgado a Vicente!!
Realmente es una satisfacción muy grande que se reconozca la trayectoria constante a lo largo de tantos años dedicados al blues. Se lo merece!! Y tú también te lo mereces, su mano derecha.
Aprovechamos también para saludarlos por Navidades y desearles que continúen los éxitos para el 2013.
También agradecerte por mantenernos informados del mundo del blues y publicar nuestros conciertos.
Tenemos ganas de ir por alli… vamos a ver.
¡Un abrazo gigante desde Tenerife!
Claudia Diaz del Bene (Socia SBB 241 y Guillermo Pelossi Safi (Socio SBB 240) *:) feliz
(21 Diciembre 2012 después de recibir el KBA Award)
Hola Roser,
Moltes gràcies per la informació que periòdicament rebo de vosaltres. Tot i no estar molt dedicat ara, per raons professionals, agraeixo aquest punt d’informació que m’arriba de vosaltres.
Jo personalment estic molt agraït al Vicens, ja que em va ajudar molt quan em vaig acostar a l’SBB, quan a mi em costava decidir-me pujar a un escenari. I sempre ho recordaré amb molta estima.
Ara, celebro que li hagin reconegut la seva tasca en la difusió i promoció del blues. He trobat a faltar aquest reconeixement a nivell local, a Barcelona i a Espanya, i mira per on, resulta que li ve a nivell internacional… Doncs mira, millor.
A veure si mica a mica, em faig amb la feina i puc escapar-me a algun acte i ens veiem.
Reitero, moltes gràcies a tots dos, Roser i Vicens, pel vostre ajut.
Francesc Fernandez Marcobal (Socio SBB 60) (20 diciembre 2013 después de recibir el KBA Award)
Felicidades por el premio, nadie más que usted se lo merece en este país.
Un saludo desde Blues Syndicate
Carlos Diaz Escribano (9 Diciembre después de recibir el KBA Award)
Hola, bon dia !!
La meva sincera felicitació.
Roser, pel que a mi respecte, trobo que l’hauríem d’haver lliurat al tamdem Viçens/Roser, doncs tots sabem que darrera d’un gran home….hi ha algú amb molta paciència o amb molt entusiasme també.
Una abraçada nois !
Cristina Abad Rodriguez (9 Diciembre 2012 después de recibir el KBA Award)
Moltes felicitats Armonica Zumel i Roser.
Els que realment portem al blues a l’anima cada dia, es per estar orgullosos de la vostre feina durant tot una vida i per fer arribar sempre les ultimes noticies del mon del blues.
Rafael Costa (Socio SBB 172) (9 Diciembre 2012 después de recibir el KBA Awards)
Bon dia Roser,
Vull felicitar el Vicent per aquest prestigiós premi, i també a tú pel que, estic segur, has contribuït amb el teu suport, aportacions i amor al blues.
Felicitats a tots dos i una abraçada,
Josep Maria Cruz (7 Diciembre después de recibir el KBA Award)
Moltíssimes felicitacions!!! Quan alguna cosa es fa posant-hi tot l’ànima, té moltes recompenses 🙂
Cristina Alonso (6 Diciembre después de recibir el KBA Award)
Hola Roser, mira aquesta entrada que i posat al Blog. Espero que us agradi. Dóna-li, de part meva, l’enhorabona a Vicent i, a tu també pel teu suport i treball al seu costat.
Abraçades, i endavant amb el vostre treball!
La Música del Segle Passat
El Prat Radio (5 Diciembre después de recibir el KBA Award)
Muchas felicidades por el premio recibido Vicente!
Creo sinceramente que te lo mereces por tu labor de mantener el blues vivo durante tanto tiempo por estos lares.
Cuando me subscribí a principio de los 80 al Living Blues ya quedé flipado de que alguien de por aquí colaborara con tan prestigiosa publicación y además emitiera blues desde una emisora local en Barcelona. Hoy en día pienso que vuestra página es la mejor referencia para cualquier aficionado al blues que se precie.
Un abrazo,
Manolo de Arcos (4 Diciembre, después de recibir el KBA Award)
Congratulations Roser.
Vicente REALLY deserves this award. It’s a lifetime achievement.
Pleasem give my best regards and wishes to him,
Yours truly,
Detlev Hoegen
CrossCut Records (November 29th. after receiving the KBA Award)
Felicidades Vicente.
Muy bien merecido, que siga el Blues y el Boogie……para siempre….
Fito de la Parra (Canned Heat) (27 Noviembre después de recibir el KBA Award)
Felicidades Vicente Zumel! Honras al Blues hispano y abres una puerta a todos los nuestros!! Gracias!!
Javier Tijuana (21 Noviembre 2012 después de recibir el KBA Award)
Hi Roser and Vincente, congratulations on the “Keeping the Blues Alive” Award. So well deserved !
Have you seen, that you are both on the front page of the Blues Foundation’s website alongside Bob Margolin ?
All the best in the future, and hope to keep in touch.
My very best
Arne Jaegergaard Copenhagen Blues Festival (November 21st. after receiving the KBA Award)
Congrats on your KBA Vicente.
You love the blues and all of us appreciate all the time you have put in over the years to supporting the music! Hope we get to meet in person one day!
Congrats again.
Raoul Bhaneja (November 20th after receiving the KBA Award)
Hola Roser y enhorabuena, Vicente, me alegro mucho por ti.
Tantos y tantos años de pasión y devota dedicación al Blues por fin reconocidos Internacionalmente, me alegro mucho por ti.
Te has ganado a pulso el reconocimiento y respeto a nivel Int’l entrando a formar parte de una elite de galardonados con nombres absolutamente míticos, chapeau Poeta !!!
Un abrazo,
Manel Lessan
PD – Ahora a ver como te las compones para que tu ego no se te suba a las barbas … o a las patillas 😉
(19 Noviembre después de recibir el KBA Award)
La nostra més sincera enhorabona Roser. Si us plau transmet’l-hi al Vicente la felicitació de les tres potes del Taburete. Tanmateix us animem a seguir en la divulgació i preservació d’aquesta maravellosa música que si s’arriba a compendre i a sentir, es pot interpretar amb qualitat i feeling des de qualsevol lloc del planeta.
Una abraçada: Teoria del Taburete (19 Noviembre 2012 despues de recibir el KBA Award)
MUCHISIMAS FELICIDADES A VICENTE TANTO DE PARTE MIA COMO DE “PITURRO”. Nuestra más sincera enhorabuena y nuestro más profundo agradecimiento por toda la labor que lleváis a cabo que es mucha.
Xan Castell (19 Noviembre 2012 después de recibir el KBA Award)
MOLTÍSSIMES FELICITATS!!! El Vicenç s’ho mereix, i tant que sí!!! Enhorabona!!! Leo (19.11.2012 después de recibir el KBA Award)
Hola Roser,
Muchas felicidades para Vicente y todo su equipo, enhorabuena.
Qué premio más importante, para seguir dando “guerra” en el mundo del Blues, que no pare la fiesta!!
Cesc (19.11.2012 después de recibir el KBA Award)
As a past “nominee” of a KBA, I know how important and also how difficult it is to receive this honorable award.
You obviously earned it!!!! Keep the Blues Alive!!!! Thanks again for your hard work and support for this wonderful music we call the Blues!
Rocky Nelson
WABLUES (November 19th. after receiving the KBA Award)
Vincent, we are so happy to hear that you are nominated for a “Keeping the Blues Alive Award”. You so deserve it for your hard work and loyalty to the genre.
Our best wishes
Sam McClain (18.11.2012 after receiving the KBA Award).
Congratulations !
Very well deserved !
Tom Ruf (Ruf Records) (November 18th. 2012 after receiving the KBA Awards)
Rocky Nelson
Secretary, Washington State Blues Society (November 18th 2012 after receiving the KBA Award)
So proud and happy for him and you also, for all of your hard work.
Monte (November 17th. after receiving the KBA Awards)
Un importante premio internacional para Vicente Zumel, por su larga trayectoria en la promoción y difusión del blues. Enhorabuena
José Ríos Diaz (17 Noviembre 2012 después de recibir el KBA Awards)
Congratulations !!!!
It’s great to see your contribution to Blues music to be recognized in USA .
It happened to me in 2011 in the Promoter category and I was very proud of it .
Keep on supporting the Blues .
Very friendly yours,
Didier Tricard (November 17th after receiving the KBA Award)
¡¡¡¡¡ENHORABONAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Guardó sobradament merescut. Aquesta és l’opinió de Raúl, Raulboogie, un ròcker valencià al que li apassionen el blues, ritmanblues, boogie-woogie..
(17 Noviembre 2012 después de recibir el KBA Award)
Ola Roser,
Heartiest congratulations to my friend Vicente Zumel on his much deserved “Keeping The Blues Alive” award.
Hope to see Vicente in Memphis to receive his award. I have been a board member of the Blues Foundation and for the past 15 years am a judge for the Blues Foundation’s International Blues Challenge. Of course, I will again be in Memphis for the IBC and the KBA activities coming up in late January/early February
Cheers and Best Wishes
Michael “Hawkeye” Herman (November 17th after receiving the KBA Award)
Congratulations, you deserve it.
Thank You,
Butch Taylor
(November 17th after receiving the KBA Award)
¡¡¡Felicidades Vicente!!! ¡Estamos MUY emocionantes oir estas noticias! Tu has sido tan dedicado al blues por tantos años, y has afectado a tantas personas en todo el mundo, y por supuesto, Roser merece crédito también por todo su apoyo. Mereces mucho este premio y estamos muy contentos que has recibido este honor de the Blues Foundation! ¡Andy y yo celebramos ahorita y te brindamos por ti! (Desculpame, yo no sé como decir, “We’re having a toast to you!”)
Besos y abrazos, Julie & Andy (November 17th after receiving the KBA Award)
El Vicenç s’ho mereix, i tant que sí!!!
Leo (17 Noviembre 2012 después de recibir el KBA Award)
Hi Vicente,
I just wanted to send a special congratulations to you for being the WINNER of the 2013 Keep The Blues Alive Award. Well deserved! We love you!
Teeny Tucker (November 17th. after receiving the KBA Award)
Congratulations to Vicente, no one deserves it more.
Louise Peacok (November 17th. after receiving the KBA Award)
Querido Vicente , me alegro por el reconocimiento en la lucha en el camino del Blues !!! lo tenés bien merecido .Te deseo lo mejor un gran abrazo de mi parte !!! J.M. (15 Noviembre 2012 después de recibir el KBA Award)
A big Congratulations to Vicente!
One of the most supportive and hardworking blues guys….Did I mention he has integrity?
Good going Vicente, you deserve it! Thanks for your years of suppport.
Christine Vitale (November 16th. after receiving the KBA Award)
Congratulations, that’s excellent! Keep up the good work.
Paddy (November 16th. after recieving the KBA Award)
Congratulations for canada!!! It is a well deserved award for Vincente.
He gives reviews to the major and up and coming musicians.
Sometimes those reviews are all that the beginners have and it is International.
The awards are well deserved, enjoyJohnny
Max 2X JUNO Award Nominee
Winner International Songwriting Competition
(November the 16th after receiving the KBA Award)
Hola Vicente !
Congratulations on your award !
You absolutely deserve it – believe me , us musicians really appreciate what you do .
Jeez , you’re in some good company there too eh ? BB King , Carl Perkins , Alan Lomax (!!) .. well done , my friend .
Okay , keep playin them blues Vicente – cheers , salud – Doug Norquay (November 16th after receiving the KBA Award)
Among other things, you and your publication have relentlessly maintained an open minded, unbiased, support of blues artists and their music regardless of the level of fame they may, or may not have acquired.
Presenting fans with classics and unknowns based solely upon musical merit is a rareity.
Congratulations – well deserved! All the finest, Nick Vigarino. (November the 16th after receiving the KBA Award)
That is GREAT news, Vicente!!!
Congratulations to you, especially with the added honor of being the first Spanish blues related person to receive this award!!!
May you continue to “keep the blues alive” for many, many more years to come!!!
Best to you and yours!!!
Suzanne Foschino (November 16th after receiving the KBA Award)
Enhorabuena, el blues en España esta creciendo gracias a gente como vosotros
Moi Martin (16 Noviembre después de recibir el KBA Award)
Hi Vicente and Roser,
Well Vicente, what an honour – congratulations from Australia and very well deserved as I know you have been dedicated to blues music for many many years – I salute you!
Phil (November 16th after receiving the KBA Award)
Enhorabuena Vicente, esto es el reconocimiento internacional a tu labor por el blues, durante toda tu vida
José María Aljama (16. Noviembre 2012 después de recibir el KBA Award)
So pleased for you, Vicente!! Among other things, your page is fantastic…
Best wishes
Mississippi Heat (November 16th. 2012 after receiving the KBA Award)
Congratulations on the award from the Blues Foundation in Memphis. You should have received that one a long time ago!!!
Hope you both are well.
Mudcat Ward, on behalf of the Bluetones (November 16th. after receiving the KBA Award)
Felicitats, (Duke Robillard, Alan Lomax Bill Wyman, Vicente Zúmel…) Amadeu Casas (16 Noviembre 2012 después de recibir el KBA Award)
Muy contento!, como dice Merchán de algunas manera, entre todos hemos hecho que este premio merecido para el inefable Vicente Zumel por su innegable amor y dedicación al blues, también hacemos este premio un poco nuestro para todos los que hemos tocado en algunas ocasiones (bastantes) con el premiado, nuestro gran amor y respeto por su figura hace que se sublime nuestra alegría hasta hacerla propia. Muchas felicidades Vicente!. Vicente “Chento” Briganti (16 Noviembre 2012 después de recibir el KBA Award)
Merecidísimo premio Vicente!! Como me alegro, enhorabuena! Un abrazo grande!
Yolanda Jimenez (16 Noviembre 2012 después de recibir el KBA Award)
Estos son palabras mayores ! Que gran reconocimiento a una extraordinaria labor me alegra mucho que este premio haya recaído en Vicente lo merece…se lo merece..! Enhorabuena !
Jordi Monguillot (16 Noviembre 2012 después de recibir el KBA Award)
¡Felicidades! Los que hemos conocido el blues gracias a Mr. Zúmel nunca estaremos lo suficientemente agradecidos… Por otro lado, si hoy hay un circuito es también gracias a él.
Daniel Molina Molins (16 Noviembre 2012 despuès de recibir el KPA Award)
Congrats, Vicente!
You deserve all of the recognition. You are the best!
Delmark Records (November 14th. after receiving the KBA Award)
Congrats to all but especially Zeller Vincente Zumel and my friends Bob Margolin and Gil Antony. I know they all work hard to bring recognition to the blues.
Walter (November 14th. 2012 after receiving the KBA Award)
You earned it for all of your hard work and help keeping the blues alive. Great job and great honor.
Monte Adkinson (November 14th. 2013 after receiving the KBA Award)
Hi Vicente.. Congratulations on your KBA.. Well deserved my friend.
Frank Roszak (November 13th. after receiving the KBA Award)
You have done a great job spreading the Blues! Without good people like you, we wouldn’t be able to share our music.
Carolyn Fe (November 13th. 2012, after receiving the KBA Award)
Gracias por la info y por vuestro trabajo difundiendo la música! Sois unos cracks!
Luis Felipe Ibarra (4 Noviembre 2012)
Gracias, Vicente, muy buen recuerdo para una tarde inolvidable.
Me lo pasé en grande con August y contigo, vuestro amor por el Blues es especial, palabras mayores. Y compartirlo con vosotros fué impagable.
Abrazo y salud!
Julio Lobos (22 Octubre 2012)
Gracias compañero!
Y sobre todo, gracias por propagar la palabra del blues desde las ondas. Que no pare!!
Un abrazal,
Robertez (22 Octubre 2012)
Hello Vincent
Thank you and yes keep us posted.
Thank you for all you do in the blues.
Kindest regards
Shirley Jackson (October, 17th. 2012)
Hi Vicente:
Thanks so much for the kind review and for your airplay and support. We greatly appreciate it!
Hope you had a great summer. We are honored to be featured on your radio shows, and thanks again for the great review.
Be well.
Warm regards,
Lil Cliff Bernard (October 10th. 2012)
I sincerely thank you so much for your amazing review of “Swamp Cabaret”.
I will soon be releasing Delaney Bramlett’s new album, “Rise Up” & will make sure you receive one of the first copies.
Wishing you good things always.
Suze (July 18th. 2012)
Dear Vincente,
Thank you so very much for this wonderful opportunity. It is such a priveledge to have you play my music on La Hora del Blues. It is also a priveledge to have my music heard in Spain as well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Michelle Simpson (July, the 10th. 2012)
Dear Mr. Zumel:
I thank you for giving me this opportunity. I am very excited to send you a copy of my CD. It will be on it’s way to you as soon as possible.
It would be an honor to have my music played on “La Hora del Blues”.
Once Again, Thank you
Michelle Simpson (June 13th, 2012)
Hola bon dia Vicente we had Billy Branch over at the house for food and drink the other day and we had a great time hosting Billy Rosa & Nick telling wonderful stories and talking Blues of course. I asked Billy if he knew you because I told him you do one of my favorite Blues shows that I tune to weekly and he said that he did know you very well. Billy also had nothing but kind words to say about you and your wife and that you’re good people. It’s amazing how we are all connected through the music we love and continue to enjoy and that we try our best to share with the masses! Last night Friday (Feb 3rd ) Billy Branch & The S.O.B.s did a fantastic performance at our college auditorium, it was a great show! He was in town all week doing his Blues in the Schools at our high school, the kids had so much fun during class and on stage. Billy also wants you to keep playing the harp and blow that horn brother. Keep up the great work in keeping the Blues alive in beautiful Barcelona an all of Spain. If me and the wife ever make it to Barcelona we would love to meet you my friend and talk Blues, take care Hermano.
Ciao, Leroy Alvarez
WNMC 90.7 FM (February, 4th. 2012)
Hello Vicente,
It’s good to hear from you. I know that La Hora del Blues is an important part of the European blues scene.
I’ve just mailed a copy of Ron’s CD to you. I hope you like it and can give it some airplay.
Michael Zaklan (January, the 31st. 2012)
Wow! Vincente!
Thank you so much for playing my music!
Your decication and continues commitment to the blues is a wonder of this world!
Kindest regards.
Billy Jenkins (November, 28th. 2011)
Hello Vicente,
I’m so glad you have received a copy of my latest CD. I’m certainly looking forward to your comments.
We prominently featured your remarks on our last CD, and we will surely do the same this time around.
Here’s the link from my site to you remarks:
Your work in the Blues World is highly regarded on both sides of the ocean.
Son Roberts (November the 1st, 2011)
Hey Vincent! How are you?
We´re all good up here in sweden!
We try to tune in to your exellent show as often as we can. You do a really great job! Respect to you and your dedication to bluesmusic.
All the best to you!
From your Swedish friends: Jesper Hedegaard singer/bassplayer in Armadillo Blues! (October, 2nd 2011)
HI Vicente,
Wow. You’re super organized. And a big supporter of the international blues scene. Way to go. And thanks for playing me on your show.
I’ll check out the link for doing an online interview too.
John Pippus Band, (September the 7th. 2011)
Thank you Vincente,
I’m happy that you keep up with everything and keep on doing the good work that you do
Johnny Max (July 1st 2011)
Thank you, Vincente! It’s an honor to be included…-
Mark”Pocket”Goldberg (July 11st 2011)
“I will always be grateful to Vincente for being the first Radio DJ to broadcast & support my music in Spain (in my favorite city Barcelona). His commitment & diligence in reviewing, organizing & promoting The Blues have made him a highly respected & essential participant of the International Blues Community & it’s an honor to be included on his airplay & his online magazine.”
Mark Goldberg (Pocket Goldberg Music) (April, 18th. 2011)
Hola Vicente!
Muy bonitas las palabras que nos dedicas en vuestra web, emocionantes!
Muchas gracias, de veras.
¡Un abrazo!
Francisco Javier Gonzalo, The Forty Nighters (4.04.2011)
Thank you Vicente!! That was a great surprise! I’m so glad you like the cd! ..And thank you for the compliments to me personally 🙂 That made me smile..a lot!
Thank you for all you do for the blues!!
Sending a big kiss!
Chrissie Odell (Aprl. 1st 2001)
Thank you so much (mucho gracis) for playing some songs off the CD. I also thank you for the review, it is an honor to have been looked at by yourself
The JP Blues Band March, 31st, 2011)
Hi Vicente,
You are a jewel and I appreciate your support. I will be glad to send Val & Dusty a copy of the CD. We just returned from Germany & Austria. As soon as we get settled in, I will email them and let them know the CD is forthcoming and express my pleasure to them for putting the CD reivew on thier site:)-
Once again, a big thank you for the review and support. It’s always needed.
Big Hugs!
Teeny Tucker (March, 30th. 2011)
Thanks for playing my album. I’ve had a few sales because of it.
Gino Harmonica (March 23, 2011)
Ola Vicente, I’m a big fan of your show and enjoy it very much and I try to listen in on it if I have my computer at hand. I do a Blues show every other Saturday morning in Michigan, USA from 8am-12pm Eastern standard time called Good Moanin’ Blues on WNMC 90.7 it is nice to hear that Blues is still popular all over the world and Blues Brothers like us need to keep this great music alive! Have a great weekend Y Feliz Ano Nuevo.
Leroy Alvarez (January, 7th. 2011)
A happy and prosperous new year to you and your family also vicente. I enjoy your work and it is always a pleasure to hear from you. i am gratified to know you have taken the time to listen and comment on our latest effort. As it is new for us to be working with a European record company, they decided it would be prudent to do a re-release of our previous indie cd, with four songs added to establish some momentum for what is to most Europeans a new release and act. We are working very hard at the moment on the second cd and hope to have it completed in timely fasion for a second release of completely new material. Again, thanks for you consideration with our work. We are talking at the moment with a promotion / management company out of Nashville, Tennessee that plan to set up tours for us including Europe. So, thanks again brother, i will most assuredly keep you posted and up to date with ZED HEAD progress. Be well amigo. Talk soon, – fogger, – ZED HEAD (January, 5th. 2011)
Vincente, thank you very much for having included the review of my cd in this spin-off of your website. I take a look at the website and I am very proud of being there. The two photographers are very wellknown, so I think that It will be a great promotion for me.
As I said a few mails ago, I appreciate the work you were doing for me and my music.
Thanks and have a nice evening,
Dave (January, 3rd, 2011)
Vincente: looks like i died and went to heaven, where someone says something nice about your music and you can ask for more nice things, and they send that too!! what a nice treat for me today, i will send it to testi tejada, in hope he books us in spain, because we toured about 8 years ago, and its my favorite place in europe by far! we hope to come back and this will help.
Thanks again, this was a wonderful surprise, and i will send to monica!
Dave Wuld & The Imperial Flames (November, 18th 2010)
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your kind review of my CD Peggy Ratusz Infused with the Blues. I read all your reviews and admire the work you do to keep the Blues alive, worldwide!
You’re a gem and a gentleman!
Peggy Ratusz (November, 2nd. 2010)
Me hizo mucha ilusión conocerte el otro día en Hondarribia, ya que como te dije uno de los primeros conciertos de blues que ví y más me impactaron fue el de la Harmonica Zumel Blues Band y Louisiana Red en la playa de Arrigunaga, en el Getxo&Blues.
Igor García de The Reverendos (12 julio 2010)
Vicente, just great that you keep this up… Looking forward to our BROTHERCAT review. It means a lot coming from you – not many guys are as committed to blues radio – and since 1988! Even better that you cover up-and-coming artists. (July, the 13th. 2010)
Great newsletter, as always! Greetings from your old pal Jonny Moorehead of Blue Law. I spent the last few years as Road Manager for Johnny Winter, and it was always a pleasure to check out your reviews whether we were home or on the road. (June the 4th 2010)
Hello Vincente. Thank you for helping spread the word on our music. I read the review and enjoyed it a lot. Thanks again so much!!!
All my best,
Sean Chambers (May, the 6th 2010)
Thank you very much for the kind review, Vicente. It’s obvious that you gave the CD a careful listening and that is a wonderful thing that not all reviewers do.
Marie Angel
The Snake Chambers (March, 31st 2010)
Hola Vicente!
Thank you for having warned me. I’m happy to share with you “Blues Virus”, an infected work that concerns all of us! I know that there will be to wait, but I also know that it will be worth of it. You are one of the most serious and competent European dj.
Thanks a lot for your kind attention and courtesy
Greets from the worst italian swamps
Maximo Pieri (March, the 11th. 2010)
Hi Vicente
Your a darling
thank you for that, we dont do a lot of CD sales now that people burn copies all over the place, but I am very grateful for your help
thanks Kate and Skip and Pete (January the 12th. 2010)
Hello Vicente!
Alright ! Thank you kindly sir for your continued help and suppport and your professionalism!
We really appreciate it
Keep up the great work
Kevin Johnson
Delmark Records (December, the 7th. 2009)
Thank you very much for the good review and the radio airplay. We always consider it an honor to work with new people around the globe. Also, thank you for all you do to keep the Blues alive and well.
Lightnin’ Rod (December, the 2nd. 2009)
Thanks great Vicente… groovy as usual!
Saluti dall’Italia
Massimo Pieri (November, the 5th. 2009)
Hello Vincente,
Double thanks you in advance for the Texas Slim airplay & review. You are a valuable person in the blues community. Wish you were state-side. Do not worry about sending the playlist if you cannot do it by email-too much trouble. I thank you for the offer.
Please keep up the excellent work.
Peace & Blues,
TopCat Records (October, 7th 2009)
Hi Vincente,
Sorry Richard has been so busy. I wanted to thank you for all the hard work you do for the international blues community. It it very much appreciated by everyone you touch over the airways. Please keep up the good work.
Peace & Blues,
TopCat Records (September, 24th. 2009)
Hello Vincente
Thank you for your reply. Your method and presentation is really first class, we look forward to being played and to your review. Vicky Martin (September 1st 2009)
Hello Vincente,
Thank you for your letter confirming that you have received our music American Roots Live Presents the Studio Masters Vols 1 & 2. And thank you for three and a half stars AND the link to our web site.
You have quite an impressive web site and system that looks like it takes a good deal of time to keep updated.
We are thrilled by the prospect of being featured on your highly respected show. Thank you.
Nick Petti
American Showplace Music (April, the 3rd. 2009)
February, 4th 2009
I am glad you have received my latest CD and GREATLY THANK YOU for your past support of my work and the work of the many other artists whose music you have helped bring to the world through your important work.
Peace for the new year. Dmitri Resnik. (January the 20th. 2009)
Hello Vicente,
I want to thank you very much for your very nice review of my CD.
Also, thank you for playing some tracks from it.
As an independent blues artist, I really appreciate being noticed.
I was most pleased that you referred to my CD as, “unpretentious”! This was actually an important issue with me. I don’t understand guys who record records with very long solos, and effects. It’s BLUES!
Thanks for seeing that!
Best wishes for the coming Holiday Season,
Rene Trossman (December 1st 2008)
Hi Vicente,
I am very pleased to hear from you and truly appreciate your congratulations. I never really ever expected to receive this. I photograph with so many exceptional photographers and some who think in wonderous ways that I just never expected it.
Val does the bulk of the work in doing the web site and MySpace. I give her your reviews and she works them up and gets them published. We get so many excellent comments about the quality and insight you impart with your reviews. I really am pleased you allow us to post these on our site.
I hope all is great with you my friend. Maybe we can meet some day soon!
Dusty (Keeping The Blues Alive Awards winners, November 2008)
No, you are amazing!!!…thank you so much for your support, hard work and kind words…much appreciated….and made my day….hehehe….cheers. Jillian Jake (November, 8th 2008)
Always love to receive your positive and professional messages. Thank you for your dedicated and passionate work n the scene!
Kevin Johnson (October, 30th. 2008)
Keep up the great work you do for all the blues fans in the world.. I find your reviews concise and to the point and very informative.
Thanks again,
Paul Filipowicz (October 10th. 2008)
Dear Vicente,
Thanks so much for the wonderful review of Shakura S’Aida’s CD, Blueprint. It was very kind of you to forward it, and it was a joy to find people – so many miles from Canada – who understand where this remarkable artist’s music is coming from. It’s much appreciated!
Very best regards,
Richard Flohill. Stony Plain Rec. (October, the 2nd 2008)
Thanks you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MUCH for including my CD in your September CD Reviews and Playlist!!
Keep up the good work!!
XO, Barbara Blue (September 3rd. 2008)
Many thanks Vicente! 🙂
You derserve a special place in ‘music heaven’!
Kellie Rucker (July 12th 2008)
Muchas gracias por tus palabras.Me ayudan a seguir adelante y a continuar creyendo en lo que hago.
Que te vaya todo bien.Un abrazo. (Chuma Segura. 8 julio 2008)
Hola mi amigos Vincente y Roser!
Pardona me, pero mi español es muy malo porque yo no practico porque yo no vaya a España este año. a Mexico, si, pero no es el mismo. Solamente una vacation en Baja. But I will be at the International Boogie Fest in Amsterdam on Mar. 8. I look forward to the “coffee” there. 🙂
I enjoy receiving you reviews! You must have the most incredible CD collection by now, and a very big house to store them all. Keep up the good work, and the very best year to you!!
Su amigo, Roberto. (Rob Rio. January the 3rd. 200
Vicente, mi más efusiva enhorabuena por tu extraordinaria labor de difusión. Un abrazo en 12 bars, con turnaround de cierre.
Salvador Dominguez (3.01.08)
Hello to my good friends Vicente and Roser,
Thank-you so much for giving me the wonderful memories I will have forever coming to play for you. You showed me so much fun and great times that I will always remember. Your kindness and love you both give me really touched me. Everyone I met was kind, fun and loved playing their music. You spent a lot of time showing me around taking me to dinner and showing me around the city. I had great great fun! I was very sad to say good-bye to you both.
I made it back safely and needed a full day to rest up. I can’t wait to tell everyone I see how much fun I had with you and the musicians in your country. And Vicente your playing on the u-tube video was KILLER!!! You played the blues the way it was suspost to be played with feeling and with great tone and the harmonica. How lucky the musicians are in your city to have you both along with Joan to help them and teach them who to listen to and play the right blues on your great show!Joan was so kind to have me over to his home for dinner and to pick me up and take me to my jobs and to the airport. I really like him and his son so much. I had a ball playing with you and all the piano players their.
Please again send me your address. And I hope you have a nice Christmas and a happy new year. I will be in touch and I will be thinking about you very often for a long time and I will never forget you.
Thanks for the gigs and for making this trip happen!
Barrelhouse Chuck (December 20th. 2007)
Hi Vicente,
Thanks for reviewing my CD, Feels Like Blues To Me. My friends and I are overjoyed and couldn’t be more happy with your comments. It’s always a pleasure to send a new CD to you!
Wishing you the best of the Season. Peace and Happiness!
crochety old coot Zuraw (December 21st. 2007)
I would like to express my sincere thanks to you for reviewing my ’18th & Agnes’ album, and for playing it on your radio show during the month of December. You have inspired me to continue with my music, in spite of the fact that as an independent artist, it is very difficult for me to keep pushing ahead. Having said that, I will keep making records until I leave this world!
Mojo Watson (December, the 5th. 2007)
Vicente P. Zumel’s fantastic blues show La Hora Del Blues is like a thrill ride through a blues amusement park. Always a fresh playlist featuring a marvelous variety of great blues songs and artists from around the world. (Broadcast in Spain on Barcelona FM.)
David Rubin (Canada, November 19th. 2007)
This is certainly one of the most comprehenisve web portals for blues music anywhere. And Vincente is easily one of the most committed, well-informed and passionate blues boosters in the world. The blues needs many more Vincente Zumels.
Son Roberts (Canada. November 1st. 2007)
Thanks for the feedback and your compliments. You will be the first to get a copy of the new material.I am sure that you are aware that is a live CD. It was Recorded on the same day. Of course with us picking the best takes and Mastering it. They are great musicians. Look forward to meeting you one day.
Tommy (September 9th. 2007)
Dear Vincente;
I am contacting you at the urging of Monte Adkinson, the Bluz Stalker of Florida (Suncoast Blues Society). I was the winner of the International Blues Challenge in Tampa Bay & represented the S.B.S. of Florida in the 2997 Memphis IBC Challenge. We also won a secondary competition while in memphis to become 2007 Beale Str. Blues Kings. I am sending you both of my recordings for your review & Airplay. Monte tells me you are the Man of Spanish Blues! Thanks
Walter Smith (Agust 8th. 2007)
Thank you, Vicente!
Yours is the most complete and informative response to the 66 mailings of my CD. I appreciate the extra effort you have given to promote independent blues..
Warmest regards,
David Wells (June 26th. 2007)
Good evening my friend,
Was feeling pretty good today so I did the show I’ve been wanting to do since you sent the CD. The Blues From Catalonia. Thank you so much. It’s amazing to me that the Blues has traveled all around the world and I always get a thrill playing those same Blues from other folks who have such very different feelings. It’s great!
Here’s the link:
Sorry about my not being able to read the musicians names correctly. I did the best I could under the circumstances.
If you talk to any of the folks I played, please tell them how marvelous they are and to please send any more material they have to us.
Take care Vicente and keep up the good work. The Blues is the good work.
Best Regards,
John Rhys-Eddins
The Independent Voice Of The Blues (May, 27th 2007)
Good to hear from you! You are truly a remarkable guy and it’s nice to hear that your wife shares your same interest. I read a very nice article about you and interview in the “Big City Rhythm and Blues” Feb.March issue (along with a picture of you with Paul Oscher). Keep doin’ what your doin’…it’s serving the interest of the blues in a BIG way! (I got a kick out of your quote from my cd…)
Blues blessings…
Chas (April, 29th 2007)
What a considerate and generous offer! Your willingness to help cut artists costs is a very kind act, but judging by your obvious dedication to the music by your extensive program of reviewing and playing cd’s offered, that’s right in line with the kind of guy you are! I’ll take you up on it when the next release is ready…
Keep up the great work…
Chas (April, 25th. 2007)
Good Morning Vincente,
Just a short note to tell you how much I love your site. As a Blues webcaster for over twelve years, I find it amazing the Blues has so much range and that it reaches completely around the world.
It has been many years since I have been to Barcelona. A most beautiful city in one of the most hospitable countries in the world.
Sorry to bend your ear but as you must be one of the brothers of the Blues, I’m sure you won’t mind.
Perhaps there is something I might be able to help you with from the USA. If so, please let me know. We at BluePower never mind giving a kindred spirit a hand.
I love the music you choose.
Best Regards,
John Rhys-Eddins
The Independent Voice Of The Blues (April, 20th. 2007)
Hola Vicente, –
My greatest thanks and appreciation for airing some of my CD. The review of the album was very nice. I appreciate your kind comments.
Can you tell me what time I would need to tune into the program here in California if I listen on the web simulcast?
You’re doing a great service to the Blues community. Mil gracias por su trabajo duro, mi amigo.
Rocky Jackson (April, 2nd. 2007)
Just came off your site and what a wonderful site it is ! Thank you for playing the blues and giving these artists the much needed exposure they all deserve. Keep up your excellent work. all the best to you, James Hinkle (March, 18th. 2007)
Ahh, muchos gracias mi amigos. i will look for it in the mail. i enjoy receiving your monthly reviews. Mama mia! so many new cds every month, and so much work to listen to and write about each one. it’s a labor of love, I guess. good job!
Con mucho gusto, mi amigos.
Rob Rio (March, the 6th. 2007)
Just sending you best wishes and letting you know that all your hard work and devotion is appreciated!
Blues to you
Billy Jenkins (March, the 3rd. 2007)
Vicente “Harmonica”,
Thank you so much for the very generous review and listing of Gospel Train.
I certainly appreciate your support over the years – it means a lot to me and my career. Have a very blessed 2007 and keep up the great work you do in the name of the BLUES!
Messianic Delta Blues,
(General Gipsy Carns. February, 2007)
The DustyBlues artist review section debuts:
Vicente “Harmonica” Zumel — CD Reviews
I’ve been fortunate to have stumble onto the reviews of a friend from Spain, Vicente “Harmonica” Zumel. Vicente rates CD releases as Very Good, Good, Bad, and Uninteresting. I’ve been receiving his reviews for several years now and always look forward to each new publication. I started early on, purchasing any releases that Vicente recommended as either GREAT or ESSENTIAL and have found our tastes to be remarkably similar and I’ve achieved a valuable library of extraordinary releases that I would have otherwise might have missed. His releases are in both Spanish and English when I receive them. With Vicente’s permission, I decided to reformat the reviews for the English reader and will post those releases that are deemed ESSENTAL or GREAT, plus any curious reviews for your browsing pleasure.I almost always purchase these and am interested in any comments you might have regarding these reviews. So please drop me an email at The following is some background information on Vicente, including his Web site. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!
Dusty Scott
Vicente, Wishing you good health and happiness in the New Year. Thanks for making 2006 such a memorable year for me. Regards, Roger Zuraw (Canada)
(January, 1st 2007)
Hi Vincente
I just want to wish you all the best for a fantastic Christmas Season. I want to take this opportunity to pass on my heartfelt personal thanks to you for your support of my music throughout the year. It has been a great year and I could not have dreamed the places that my simple little record ‘Pure Motive’ would reach to. The interest from New and Old fans, Radio, Press and industry people across the world has been humbling as I know how many albums pass through the hands of anyone in the music business these days, from much bigger fish than me.
Not only did so many people like you take the time to listen, but you also took the time to do something about helping my music reach a wider audience. I received some beautiful notes and emails telling me how people enjoyed the record, and that it reached them in some way. I cannot tell you how much those words and actions of encouragement, that have been backed up with so much real support have meant to me. Thankyou!
In 2007 I plan to deliver another album ….tour more, have fun and continue to do what I love, play and write songs… Have a safe and Happy Christmas and New Year. See you in 2007 International Year for Planet Earth!!
With love from
Marisa Yeaman
(December 13th. 2006)
Hi Vicente, the reviews are fantastic…thankyou so much for all your support of Australian Artists….cheers Jillian (December 4th. 2006)
This makes us so happy. Many years ago I toured Europe with as a member of Screamin Jay Hawkins’ band and it was so much fun. Julie and I are determined to someday make it to Spain and play some shows. We nver would have made the chart without your help and your great show La Hora Del Blues and we thank thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Someday we will meet you and shake your hand!
Thanks Again,
Andy (October 3rd. 2006)
If you are ever in Portland, Oregon USA…you’ve always got a place to stay!
!Hola señor Vicente!
Como estas en Barcelona?
Pruebo escribir unas palabras en español para dar las gracias. Estudio español en la universidad de Bodø donde trabajo tambien. Claro que la critica de nuestro CD en “La Hora de Blues” calenta cuando el invierno viene pronto en Noruega. !Nos gusta múy bien escutir nuestra musica en la radio española!
Creo que esta música maravillosa tiene un futuro grande porque refleja sentimientos de la gente habitual. Viva el blues….
!Hasta luego y muchas gracias!
Peter Glanfield (October, 3rd, 2006)
Hola Vicente,
Thank you for all the support through the years. Swingadelic always has a hard time with getting reviews or airplay because blues people think we are to jazzy and jazz people dismiss us as a blues band. It’s too hard for industry people to categorize us, but fans, listeners and dancers love the band. You are one of the few cats who really “get it”!
I was checking out some of your stuff and you sound fantastico! Keep up the good work. We are now working on a new CD of all original music.
Regards y bueno suerte,
Dave Post (September, 28th. 2006)
Hola Vicente –
Muchas gracias para su comunicacion.
Sorry, that’s about all I should even attempt in Espanol.
I saw that my CD, Squeeze Here, has been reviewed, Thanks.
You’re doing a great service to the Blues community with your program and reviews.
Keep up the great work in helping keep the Blues alive and kicking.
Muchisimo gracias,
Rocky Jackson (September 3rd. 2006)
The BluesArtStudio – Journal is the engine of my life.
We have born a big online press, only with Apple Computers and a very, verybig erver. All our user can printout what ever they likes in a form of a daily newspaper. So we go this way, we are only a online Blues Journal, with a mountly real visitors about 180.000 to 200.00.We never can make this all as we are a real print Journal. Today we don’t make all this for no money, thats the way it is, and I can say that is a very good way, to bring the Bluesmusicians to there position that he are want. That is real a very fine way, that we going and the most help and thankfull part doing our all old friends all over the word,—you also my friend Vicente!!!!! TOGETHER we’re STRONG, that is the way it is. We are very happy to have you on our side and in our staffWe love your sites and that is a part ou the whole Blues WORK, what we doing, isn’t that nice???
Cheers to the BLUES and a very big hug to you,
Sissy and Fritz (September 1st. 2006)
Hi Vincente, thank you so much for all the help keeping this music that we all love alive and well!! I will keep an eye on your website and listen to your show.
Hope to meet you at some point and I’ll tell your friends, “Vincente was hip before anyone!!”
All the Best my friend,
Paulie Cerra (July, 14th 2006)
Hola Vicente,
Thank you so much for your fine review of Lauren’s Two Wings. You have a fine sensitivity for describing her strengths.
Lauren asked me to express her appreciation also.
Friendly regards,
Ed (May, 4th. 2006)
Thank you for playing my cd! Sometimes i feel like no one cares or is even listening and then I find out that someone cool like you is playing my song. Thanks for supporting the blues and especially, for supporting me!!
Candye Kane (May, 4th. 2006)
I just read the review of my CD “It’s Blues to Me” on your website. And boy, colour me impressed. I’m so happy that you had such kind words about my music. It thrills me very very much.. It’s very nice to know that my music can be appreciated and it just goes to show you, that you can’t buy happiness.
Thanks again,
Roger Zuraw May, 4th. 2006)
Looks good – you are a true bluesman – I respect your loyalty and dedication to the music we both love.
Messianic Blues,
Gipsy Carns (April, 5th 2006)
Hi Vincente, i’d like to send you my cd ‘welcome to yikesville.’ thank you for your interest through the ‘blues and roots promotions’ program here in australia. they seem to be on to a good thing.
Thank you for your support.
Thomas Vecera April, 4th. 2006)
Hello Vincente…I have contacted all the artists on the BAR cd and ask them to send you a copy of their cds. I have spoken with Andy Cowan and he said he sent you some of his years ago and that he will send you his latest release. Vincente on behalf of BAR Promotions and all of the Australian Blues and Roots Artists we would like to say a big thank you for supporting the blues….cheers Jillian and Melz (March 20th 2006)
Hola Vicente
Quería agradecerte por pasar nuestro disco en tu programa y por la crítica que le hiciste.
Una vez más, gracias por tu colaboración
Un abrazo
Ariel Rogé
La Vieja Ruta¨(6 marzo 2006)
Hello Vicente,
We are delighted by your news. It’s an honour to be listed ‘under order of reception’, that I presume will take our music to your playlist. Thank you kindly for your support.
Best Wishes Always,
Andy / The Brazda Brothers (February 21st. 2006)
What great news! Thanks for your support and for the airplay and review.
Best to you.
Margey Peters for Big Frank & The Healers (February 2nd 2006)
Thank you Vicente!
You are doin’ a great job about our belowed blues-music.
One more time THANKS A LOT!!!!
Robi (February, 2nd 2006)
From a Canadian hobbyist songwriter’s perspective, I’m befuddled with the amount of airplay I’ve received in 2005. It has been beyond my wishes and expectations.
Thank you for contributing to an amazing year. Your support and fanfare have been unprecedented, thank you so much.
Roger Zuraw (December 30th. 2005)
Merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year to you too. Keep up the fabulous work with your music love!
Best regards,
Wendy DeWitt
California, USA (December 27th 2005)
Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday to you, Vincente. Thank you for all the support you given my music and for you continuing to broadcast some great blues.
Terence McArdle (December 25th. 2005)
Feliz Navidad y un magnífico nuevo año te desea desde la Argentina, un colega, Gustavo Rozenberg – conductor del programa radial de blues Good Time Blues (25 Diciembre 2005)
Thank you for bringing the music to the people Vicente!
Viva La Hora del Blues!
Wishing you a Joyous & Festive Christmas & New Year!!!
Todd Wolfe (December 25th 2005)
Hi Vicente
I just saw your blues site… Excellent.
I am a dj at CFID 103,7fm in Quebec, Canada and my show is called EMOTION BLUES. It’s aired on Thursday nights from 20.00 hrs to 22.00 hrs.
I have been in blues music for the last 42 years and still attracted by its magic.
Keep up the good work, keep the blues alive.
Aldo Druda (November 19th 2005)
Hola Vicente:
Mi nombre es Josep Farré y soy un gran aficionado a la música interpretada con armònica (especialmente con diatónica), tengo en Internet una página, en catalán, sobre estos temas, en la cual existe un apartado titulado “Àlbum de familia” que pretende incluir trozos musicales de instrumentistas de armónica, sean profesionales o amateurs, que compartan esa afición. Por ello seria para mi una gran satisfacción, poder incluir en esa sección a una persona que ha significado y significa tanto para el mundo de la armónica y el blues en este país. Por eso te pido tu participación con el envio de una fotografía y un trozo musical que tu estimes apropiado, evidentemente la limitación de 20″ que aparece en mi web no es aplicable a tu caso. Tu presencia en la página podría ser un aliciente para que más gente participase.
Josep Farré (8 de Noviembre 2005)
Hi Vicente,
Good to know you received The Border Band’s “Hard West” — and thanks for the 3 stars!
I really enjoy visiting your website and will do so from time to time…to check out the music and other bands. To keep all this rollin’ you must be one of the busiest men on the planet. Appreciate all your great work, and proud to be included on “La Hora del Blues.” Many thanks and my best to you.
Melvin Litton (October the 18th 2005)
Ask and you shall receive. My how you have grown. Congratulations. You are truly an asset to all of us.
Thank you Vicente!
BC & The Blues Crew (September, 23rd. 2005)
Thank you, Vicente!
Hope you like the CD. I will keep checking your website for sure! I will also suggest to my blues friends from Lithuania, Sweden and Slovakia to put you on their CD-mailing list — you might find some pretty interesting things they have recorded:)
Andres (September, the 11th. 2005)
Hi Vincente,
I would be honoured to do the interview. I think your site is great.
All the best
Andrew (September 8th. 2005)
Hi Vicente,
Thank for your email regarding playing songs from my CD on your radio show. This is great news and a big Thank You for your support. I have added a link and info about your show on my web site to let people know.
I appreciate your kindness and wish you all the best and much success with your show “La Hora del Blues. ”
Rockin’ the Blues,
Brad Wilson (September 7th. 2005)
Dear Vicente,
Thank you for playing our music. Much appreciated! And thanks for the great review too, I have added it to our website
Mark Koehorst (September, the 5th. 2005)
Hola Vicente,
Habla Guitar Julie de The Strange Tones, aquí in Portland, Oregon. Wow, tu site es más y más popular, con MUCHOS cds de muchos músicos. ¡No sé como es posible de escribir tantas críticas! Y felicidades para ser director de La Sociedad de Blues de Barcelona…. ¿Estás seguro que tu necesitas más trabajo? 🙂 Me parece que hay más y más interes en los blues en Barcelona cada día.
Gracias por tu website y tu trabajo. ¡Hay mucha gente en el mundo que agradece tu proyecto!
Guitar Julie (September 4th. 2005)
Hi Vincente,
Thanks for informing me about your review schedule. I’ll look forward to hearing from you when you have the review done. Best of luck my friend.
I really don’t know how you find the time to do it all, but know that it’s appreciated by all who know you
STEVE Hall (July, the 7th. 2005)
Thanks Vincente for the email,,,Great on line magazine. You have put much work into this,,,nice job!
Mike Halmo
Blues Director
Brunswick, Maine USA (July, the 7th. 2005)
Hola Vicente “Harmonica”,
Muchas gracias para su communicacion.
We hope you will be able to review the cds and give your honest opinion. I would wish to include your comments for promotional purposes.
For your information, Bobby Kyle was the guitar player for Eddie Kirkland for 6 years, and Johnny “Clyde” Copeland for 7 years, until Johnny’s passing.
Con muchas gracias,
Khadija Ouahmane (June, 20th. 2005)
Dear Vincente
Thank you for your email and your wonderful review of Willie King’s “Jukin’ At Bettie’s” – I completely agree with your review and really appreciate it.
Thanks again for all your good work with the blues, best wishes
Rick Asherson (June 1st 2005)
Thank you so much.
You are doing far more to help Blues musicians than anyone else to whom I’ve sent my CD. You are a good man, my friend, and I hope to, some day, have the opportunity to meet you face to face. My buddy, Joe Louis Walker, is living in Europe these days and there is a very good chance that I will be joining him for a while sometime this year. Till then, I remain at your disposal. Thank you for your time…………STEVE HALL (May 21st. 2005)
Hello Vicente:
Thanks so much for getting back to me.
I know you must be very busy and greatly appreciate your consideration.
It is through the creativity and independence of people such as yourself that
I can continue my musical work.
Thanks Again,
Jason Abady (May the 7th. 2005)
You are so kind to get back to me – you are a busy man! Thanks for your support and your support of the Blues!!!
All the best,
Dave Glynn
Empty Can Band (May the 5th. 2005)
I appreciate the postive review very much..
Thanks, Roger “Hurricane” Wilson (May 2nd. 2005)
Thank you for adding our Cd to your list….You ahve a very informative site….and a lot of artists. I am honoured to be allowed to join your list of artists…some of which are also friends of mine…
Thank you again….If you do get a chance to review our CD, please let me know and I will go to the site and give it a good read…
Thanks, again,
Johnny Max (April, 24th 2005)
Thank you for the website update it is now on my favorites.
Thanks for your work to preserve the blues. Let me know if we can do anything for you.
Wayne Andrews
King Biscuit Blues Festival & Bluesaid Director (April the 3rd. 2005)
Hi Vicente
This is M’Train from a still snowy Sweden (even though Spring is in the air).
I’m checking out your site every now and then and it’s really good to see there are people like you who keep the blues alive. Keep up the good work.
Hans Nilsson (April, the 2nd 2005)
Thanks for the CD review, playlist and continuing support.
My e-mail has changed and I don’t want to miss your e-mails …. so please update your list to: xxxxxxx
I appreciate you here in the USA.
Sweet Claudette (April, 2nd. 2005)
Hello ! Vicente ! You are one hard working individual with great passion fro your work and the blues. Thanks.
Frank Roszak
Delta Groove Productions (March 21st 2005)
Hola Vicente.
He estado leyendo la crítica que haces de “O blues do Amencer”. Muchas gracias, me ha gustado.
Solo tengo palabras de agradecimiento por la buena acogida que está recibiendo este nuevo trabajo. Muchas gracias por ayudarme a promocionar mi música.
Un abrazo
Víctor Aneiros (4 de marzo de 2005)
Hola somos de la producción de un programa radial de Argentina, conducido por Javier Martinez baterista de el grupo Manal, uno de los primeros en cantar blues en español en nuestro pais junto con Pappo, nos parecio muy buena su pagina y nos interesaria intercambiar informacion y tener un contacto con usted. (1 de marzo 2005)
Hello Vicente,
We were very pleased to receive your message regarding Kevin Cooke’s CD “Ain’t the Weather Strange”.
Thank you so much for your enthusiastic review of this project. La Hora del Blues is a very impressive website. It’s very gratifying to know Kevin’s work is being heard and appreciated by an international audience.
Thanks again for your support.
Best regards,
Laura-Lee Balkwill
Limited Capital Records (March 1st. 2005)
Thank you Vicente..I’m so glad you like my playing.
I hope I get to meet you in person someday…
Let me know if you ever come to Texas..I got to play with Sam Myers last week for his 69th birthday.He lives here in Dallas and my band played for his party
All the best to you,
Cheryl Arena (February, 27th. 2005)
Yo amo el blues tambien, y me gusta tu website. soy una vocalista y harmonica con mi banda, “the Hollywood Combo.” tocamos blues, rhythm & blues, rocknroll, jump, etc, para los 1950s.
Tenemos canciones originales tambien. mi espanol es terrible. muy muy terrible. pero comprendo mucho y puedo leer espanol asi asi, tu email en espanol es bien. . Gracias.
Mark A. Tortorici “Torch” Torch-Music & Entertainment (February, 23rd. 2005)
Hi Zumel,
Just want to thank you for the kind review of my cd ‘still not talkin’.
I love your website and enjoy reading all the information and reviews of so many artists. I have your website on my links page.
Keep up the great work.
Johnny Roth (December 2nd 2004)
Hello, thank you very much for answered me. I’ve a lot of respect for what you’ve made fot the blues and for what you do in order to make the blues alive. I hope to see you soon playin’. Stay in contact. Friendly. Edwin Denninger (September, 17th. 2004)
Thank you Vicente,
I very much appreciate all that you do for music.
All the best,
Grant Dermody (September, 3rd. 2004)
Hey Vicente….Thought I would say hello…remember me..Marvin King in South Carolina-USA…..Hope you are doing well my friend…I am dragging my feet on my new project but I will get it done in the near future…I just spoke with an old friend who does a really cool boogie woogie piano style..his name is Rudy Blue Shoes and he has been performing in Paris and around some German venues…I told him about you and he is going to send his CD’s over …GOD BLESS YOU MAN…Keep Playin the Blues...Marvin King and The Calling (July, 20th. 2004)
Saludos Vicente
Con la de años que voy siguiendo tu programa, a los del Abocador, .. a Salvatore (a quien hace tiempo que no oigo en directo).. en fin, solo te escribo para felicitarte por tu empeño y agradecertelo. Tu programa es un oasis entre la follia o lo insulso de la mayoria de emisoras o programas de FM. Gracias por tu labor dedicada, incluso consiguiendo y repartiendo premios para la audiencia.. algun dia sabre el autor de la cita y participare en el concurso.
Bueno, no me enrollo (algo para lo que tengo especial facilidad, me dicen)
Espero algún dia cruzar un saludo en real al Master-Blues-Man de la FM de Barcelona.
God Bless You !!!
Iu (Ivan) Corberó (2 julio 2004)
Hello Vicente…
I say “thank you” for the listing & airplay on own show. I look forward to working with you & your program now & in the future.
RH Jackson
RORA RECORDS (June, 21st. 2004)
Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your very kind and favorable words in the review of my cd. It was really very flattering! As I mentioned before, I consider receiving a good review on your website to be a VERY significant accomplishment. I don’t know of anyone else in the blues world who single-handedly undertakes such a monumental task in tediously listening to and commenting on such a HUGE volume of music on a regular basis. You are to be greatly commended!! You’re efforts indicate a deep love for blues music and a commitment which has made you a very knowledgeable critic. My goal is to follow up some day with another cd and aim for an “ESSENTIAL” rating!!
Keep up the good work! I put a comment about you on the Updates page on my website..
Best wishes…
Chas (June 6th. 2004)
Dear Vincente Zumel:
I would like to invite you to be a contributor to the Encyclopedia of the Blues, to be published in two volumes by Routledge New York in 2005. Routledge is the publisher of such highly esteemed reference works as the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1998) and Jewish Women in America, which won the prestigious Dartmouth Medal in 1997, and they also publish the acclaimed Garland Encyclopedia of World Music series. Edward Komara (May, 11, 2004)
Hello Vincente!!
My Cd Transit Lounge has been mailed to you this morning,and my apologies for the delay.Best wishes,and many thanks for supporting Australian Blues! Cheers,RW. (April, 28th. 2004)
I know you must get an overwhelming number of e-mails, so I’ll be brief. I’m still amazed at the amount effort you expend to do what you do. It’s really amazing!! And I must say, I really believe that getting a good review with your listing has become a MAJOR accompishment in the blues community, and something that blues people ALL OVER THE WORLD sit up and take notice of!! Since I don’t recall seeing my cd on your playlist yet, I’m guessing that it’s still in the “lineup” to come (or else I missed it). I’m REALLY anxious to get that playlist!!
Keep up the great work…you are becoming one of the music critics who “matter”!!
With you in the blues…your blues buddy…
Chas (April, 8th 2004)
Hola Vicente !!!
Me alegra leer tu email. Veo que sigues trabajando tu programa y web a toda marcha. Eso es pasión, si señor. Muchas gracias por la inclusión en la lista de novedades y tu clasificación de tres estrellas.
En cuanto a lo de tocar más blues es una lucha que mantengo conmigo mismo desde hace años. Para mi el auténtico blues nos dejó definitivamente con John Lee Hooker. De hecho ya hay una frontera que separa dos grandes etapas en el blues, antes y después de JLH. Y eso lo hemos querido reflejar en nuestro pequeño y modesto homenaje en el tema central que interpretamos a dúo en el disco.
De todas formas creo que el próximo disco será todo blues y lo llamaremos “La Hora del Blues” …
Un fuerte abrazo,
Alvaro G. Dalloz (28 Marzo 2004)
Hi Vicente,
I dialed up your news letter and as always I am amazed at the amount of information you cover.
Right now I am recording a new CD and touring frequently.
Thanks for your dedication to the music we both love.
Keep up the good work,
Your friend and Fan,
Paul Filipowicz (February, 25th, 2004)
Well, you know there are few people supporting Blues because they LOVE it and PLAY it themselves… Most of the “support” of Blues music comes from “industry professionals” who hope to make money from it… when they can no longer make the money from it they will stop supporting it…. you are the EXCEPTION and it is MY honor to know you!
Sincere thanks for your help, and many Blessings to you!
LynnAnn (February the 7th. 2004)
You are most welcome, Vicente. Proud to be a part of your dedicated program. Keep up the good work. it’s because of people like you that blues bands are able to enjoy popularity. Take care, Joe Zook (February, the 2nd, 2004)
Thanks for the review and heads up on what’s going on. I check in quite often to see the reviews myself…
Once again thank you, Happy New Year and keep up the great work you do! You are certainly a vote for the blues…
Jumpin’ Jack (January 2nd 2004)
Thanks so much for your kindness. You have an absolutely great thing going on!! I can’t imagine how much time you put into doing what you do!!
Fabulous website…keep up the great job. Looking forward to seeing my cd on your setlist.
Keep bluesifying!
Chas (December 2nd 2003)
Dear Vincente,
I just wanted to reconnect with you and thank you for all of the support that you have given Loudhouse Records through the years and to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May you and yours get everything that you wish for, and here is to a healthy and prosperous 2004.
Again, thank you for your interest and correspondence over the years. We all have a common denominator through music, and thats a beautiful thing.
All the best,
Loudhouse Records (december 19th. 2003)
Hola Vicente Zumel,
Acabo de encontrar su website. Es excelente! Hay muchas cosa muy interesantes de ver y escuchar. Yo soy una musica de blues tambien. Tengo un grupo aqui en Portland, Oregon. Nosotros tocamos un estilo de blues que es influido por rockabilly y surf y R&B.
Gracias por su website. Salud a los blues!
Julie Strange (November 8th. 2003)
Dear Vicente
It’s been a long time since I’ve written to you; I hope all is well with you. Thanks for your continuing playlists, and for your support of Alligator.
Thanks so much. I hope to hear from you soon.
Bruce Iglauer (October 21st 2003)
Hi Vincente,
Steve Rowe and I wanted to thank you for the great review. It’s been posted on Steve’s site on the PRESS page.
Thanks again. Your support is highly valued.
Kats & the Bluesman (October, 17th 2003)
Hola Vicente,
¡Mi primera crítica en español! Mil gracias. Escuché La Hora del Blues viernes. Fue un honor oír mi canción, ‘Two Eggs Any Style’.
Conozco a Steve Rowe. Vivimos en la misma ciudad (Montreal), él y yo. Es un buen tocador.
Hasta la próxima,
Boobie Browne October 6th 2003)
Hola, I want to say thank you for you fantastic support. We are very appreciative of your support ¡Gracias Mi Amigo! May God continue to Bless and keep you!
Magic-O Records (October 4th, 2003)
Hello Vincente,
First I would like to thank you for your support, I am honored to be part of your radio program.
Thanks again and keep up the great work
All the Best
Christine Santelli (October 1st, 2003)
Hello Vicente,
Thank you so kindly for placing Dorothy Moore Gittin’s Down Live on your recieved list. When I showed Dorothy your rating of Gittin’ Down Live it lifted her spirits greatly. I will make contact with the interview person. We will follow the playlist carefully.
I really enjoyed Mickey Champion and was pleased to see her work on your list.
Thank you again, for keeping the blues alive around the world.
Marcia (August, 27th. 2003)
Hi Vicente
I just read your review of my music, and I was overwhelmed with joy.
I know you listened to it and understand my concept of the BLUES. Thank you for lending me your ears.
Ronn uptha HILL (August, 2nd 2003)
Thanks for the great show that helps us Blues Brothers from around the world!
Long Live the Blues ….Big Harmonica Bob
Long Beach, Ca.USA (July, 25th 2003)
Hello from California! I was referred to your site by a friend, I’m totally impressed. Can I send you a cd of my band?? How and where? Joe Ferraro (July, 24th 2003)
Hey Vincente!
We noticed that we made your playlist! Thanks for the airtime and continue doing what you are doing!
Can you email the airplay lists to this email address
promotions & marketing
THE BLUE VOODOO July, 16th 2003
Hello Vincente, and greetings from sunny Florida.
I would like to thank you for the nice things you said in your review of my cd ” Caught Between a Rock & a Blue Place”. Since listing on “La Hora del Blues”, I have had several European sales, and for that I thank you too. This is a wonderful thing you do in keeping blues and roots music alive. I am currently working on my next cd and you will get the first copy. Long may you run.
Michael McKillips Bell. May, 6th. 2003)
Hola Vicente,
Muchisimos Gracias for your kind review of my CD on your website. Your doing a great job keeping blues alive and well in the world.
Eddie James (May, 2rd. 2003)
Hello Vicente,
I just wanted to respond and say Thank You So Much, for the kind words in your reveiw, and Thank You for playing our CD on your radio show. It means a lot to us, that Blues lovers in Spain, get to hear our music. Hopefully, we will some day be able to come to Spain and play our music in person.Once again Thank You!
Your Friends — Bill Rhoades & the Party Kings (April, 12th. 2003)
HI Vicente
Paul Zunno here of the Paul Zunno Band. Thanks so much for the emails and I do appreciate you handling the review of the bands new cd.
More importantly I would like to tell you that your reviews have really helped me in buying a number of blues cds. I find your reviews extremely insightful.
I am setting up a link to your site with a review of my own about it.
I feel your site is ESSENTIAL to any Blues lover. THANKS AGAIN!!!
PAUL ZUNNO (January 1st 2003)
Thank you so very much for the wonderful review of my latest c.d;”Tired of Being Lonely”on my label, Jeff Chaz Productions.Also I thank you for putting me on your play list.Your kind consideration is most appreciated. Thanks, God Bless
Jeff Chaz,”the Bourbon Street Bluesman” (January, 2nd 2002)
Hi Vicente,
Greetings from frozen Chicago.
How is everything in Spain? Have you been to any good blues concerts lately?
Do you have my latest CD, Speculatin’?
I’d love to return to Spain sometime-
Best regards,
Dave Specter (January, 17th 2001)
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